Category Archives: Little Luxuries

Yesterday my friend invited me to check out The City Flea in Cincinnati for my first time. When we arrived, I was able to take in the experience as someone without expectations. My only guess is that it would feel like a large scale garage sale of vintage trinkets.
I was wrong and I’m about to explain why.

We did see vintage booths, but they were gorgeous and well thought out. We spent the day admiring the handwork of many talented artisans and curators. Most sell online or have local brick and mortar shops, so they are definitely aware of what buyers want. They brought a selection of their goods and represented zip codes across the state. I couldn’t resist two purchases, and the other two shops I’m sharing are perfect for rare Christmas gift ideas.

The City Flea in Cincinnati | Rock Paper Scissors Cincinnati |

Rock Paper Scissors is located in Cincinnati’s Over the Rhine District. Checking out their booth made me wish I were ten and drawing with pastels in  art class. I loved their selection of local cards & indie music. I was drawn to the cards, because I know the value of having my own little card stash for a rainy day.
This sweet little Washington Park card was designed by Andi of ap loves design.

The City Flea in Cincinnati | Captain Bessies |
I have to mention this booth because Justine & I were both exceptionally impressed with the eclectic style Nicole & Amber brought to The City Flea. It was full of cultured pieces that boasted intricate details & smart options.  I was thrilled to find out that it was their first collaboration and I hope they do it again. I’m excited to follow @ambertown & @nicole_musgrave to see what they have up their sleeve in the future. You can see previews of what you missed on their IG accounts.

The City Flea in Cincinnati | 419 Trading Co |
419 Trading Co was like walking into a store. It was branded consistently & Paul Fisher is exactly what you see in each product. I hope that my brothers are NOT reading this post. Because this is Christmas. Sorry if you are, but there are so many products that it will be hard to narrow them down. If you check out the site, you’ll notice that you can buy online or find 419 Trading Co items in a few shops around the state (Dayton, they are sold at Clash!).
The City Flea in Cincinnati | On the Prowl Vintage |

This skirt caught my eye twice before I finally pulled it from the rack.
I had one request and one request only from this skirt: please fit over my hips & booty simultaneously. 
Thanks to their pop up changing tent, I delightfully found out that this skirt & I are going to be a pair this fall.
And by fall, I mean this week. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are coming in August and it appears wool skirts are too.
We snagged a deal at On the Prowl by taking advantage of their buy two get one free incentive.

I tagged along with Justine & her two little ones, and clearly there was plenty of fun for them too! Apparently it’s tradition to blend E’s little strawberry smoothie by cycling to crush the ice at the Coffee Emporium spot. I know two boys that will enjoy this.

The City Flea in Cincinnati |
The City Flea in Cincinnati |

Thanks for reading my thoughts, looking forward to next time!


We grabbed lunch at C’est Cheese food truck.
There is not a picture of my “So Gouda” sandwich, but I loved the caramelized onions + fig preserves combination.

All images are iPhone 4 | Shot with Camera+ & edited in Afterlight
Justine’s dress isn’t dirty, my dear old phone just likes to add “creative” black speckles on images.


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My iPhone 4 has become my favorite {portable} digital camera. I empty it about once every two weeks and have countless little treasures tucked away from our little moments. It has replaced the other cameras I used to have ready, and now I will only take a few frames with my larger cameras here & there. I’ve become accustomed to lightly traveling with my phone and I love it!

Even though I change my mind often, I have adored this Jenny Vorwaller painted case for over a year.
Apparently it might not be my case for much longer. After dropping it for the 30th+ time, my screen finally cracked.

I know being beautiful & sleek is a high risk when it comes to how we cover our phones.
Thinking it’s a good time to switch to a gorgeous {coming soon} Rifle Paper Co. case, rumored to protect our phones a little better.
Also trying to see how long I can hold out for a possible new iPhone 5S release? Maybe? Hopefully it will be soon?

Dreaming of {speculated} thirteen megapixels on a phone makes this photographer mama smile.
All the while, knowing full well, that anything over the five I do have will be cherished.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow iPhone Case \\\ Andrea Dozier

Somewhere Over the Rainbow | Designed by Jenny Vorwaller on Society 6 |
You can buy this Somewhere Over the Rainbow iPhone case designed by artist Jenny Vorwaller on Society 6 here.
It’s so very pretty. Might need to DIY something with it so I can still see it everyday.

Andrea Dozier \\\ Nikon Wedding Photographer

We visited my parents & siblings for Easter and I intentionally did not bring anything to shoot but my phone.
It’s fun to grab someone else’s camera and do let them do the sharing.
It allows me to join in the fun and be present, something I’m working on.
Everything was wonderful and it was a much needed break for me.

Now that we are home, we are trying to get our stride back from unpacking & unplanned doctor visits.
Kevin caught strep throat this week {his spring break} and it looks like he might have to have his tonsils removed.
Had a good laugh in the office today when he confused “ENT” with “TNT” and
worried that the nice doctor was sending him to get blown up.
Too much Minecraft?
He’ll be back to t-ball tomorrow and I’ll be there with my glove just as excited as he is to get back on the field.
Especially a warmer field than we’ve had lately.

Happy Weekend! ♥

*** Looking forward to a regular work week + wedding blog post next week. ***

Find me on Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Twitter

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  • Erin Davenport - April 5, 2013 - 8:49 pm

    I’m surprised by how often my iPhone 4S is my camera of choice these days especially now that our little Bradley has arrived! It seems mostly true that the best camera is the one you have on you. I need to get better about emptying out my camera roll as you do – do you do any digital scrapbooking or photo printing with your iPhone photos? I’m toying with the idea of using the Project Life system. We’ll see!

Don’t you love when you see a Pin that seems like something you can actually do?
I saw this “Anti-Pinch Polish” St. Patty’s Day gift idea on Pinterest
and fell in love with the idea!

Here is my own little label for my two favorite shades of green nail polish.
I had fun painting nails with my sisters!

St. Patrick
St. Patrick
St. Patrick

St. Patrick
St. Patrick

St. Patrick

St. Patrick

St. Patrick
St. Patrick
St. Patrick
St. Patrick
St. Patrick

St. Patrick
My “model,” is my gorgeous sister Abby. Many of you will recognize her as my assistant at weddings this past year.
I’m so happy to have her on my team and will share more about that this Spring! ♣

Find me on Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Twitter // Vine



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  • Sofia - March 11, 2013 - 11:51 am

    This is really cool!! Oh and BTW your sister is gorgeous!!!!

  • Anna @ IHOD - March 11, 2013 - 4:38 pm

    I love this idea Andrea! And the photos are perfectly done:D
    This would be so fun to make or give to friends.
    x, Anna

  • Katie O'Keefe - March 16, 2013 - 7:52 am

    This is such a cute idea! I would love to make these as gifts for my co-workers. Love it, and have a great weekend!

  • […] what I said to answer him. He cut short my rambling by pinching me for not wearing green. He said nail polish doesn’t […]

  • Andrea - March 25, 2013 - 9:09 am

    Thanks ladies! I had a lot of fun doing this and I love getting to hang out with my sisters while I work! 🙂


I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever be a good blogger.
Not for lack of content or words, but in practice & discipline.

Fingers crossed I’ll try.
That is, try to collect myself & make it easier to combine letters with pixels.

I’ve been shooting a lot more with my phone.
It’s interesting how it challenges me to take the very simple elements of photography to a more inspired format.
The limitations become stepping stones to achieving in-camera satisfaction.

Light & composition are vital, as they ought to be.
I feel less pressure & travel lighter.
As you’ve seen through the last sporadic posts, I’ll probably use it a lot more to keep up with non-commissioned work.
I can’t tell you how many DIYs, recipes, or moments with my kids will be trapped on hard drives that will never be shared publicly.
Not because I can’t access them, but because after I shoot & edit tens of thousands of pictures,
I am completely unmotivated to touch my own.

Here is a little treat I’ve been enjoying this week.

It’s so nice when you stumble across a recipe & realize you can make it with what you have on hand.
Even if you must sub a few things here & there.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie with Coconut Milk brought to you by my iPhone 4 & Afterglow App.

I love love love Instagram & saw this recipe from @KaraGarber’s feed, {you can also find her blogging at B. H. Storm & Co. }.


I just caught up on Season Two of Downton Abbey & since I watched it in one week, I feel lost without more episodes.
I also have a tendency to hear myself think in a pathetic mimic of a British Accent.
Someone please tell me this is a normal side effect.

I hope it’s not too early to start seeing hearts for Valentine’s Day. I’m not opposed. ♥

Find me on Instagram by @AndreaDozier, or online at

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  • alli - January 18, 2013 - 11:26 am

    Love the new look!

    After watching Downton, I always find myself transported to their world at random moments of the day. : )

  • Jaclyn - January 19, 2013 - 8:56 pm

    I’ve always thought you were a very talented blog writer. I really admired your blogs back in the myspace/facebook days…it challenged me as an english major – especially since I always felt you were a much better writer than me and all I had was a piece of paper to show for it…LOL

    I miss those days…but I would never trade living a [real] life outside of social media and finding all that life has to offer. But that’s just me…;-)

  • Andrea - February 9, 2013 - 1:42 pm

    Thank you Alli! I am getting sad that this season is almost over!

    Jaclyn, wow, thank you. I feel really honored for you to say that! Writing has always been a very big part of me but I definitely wish I made more time for it! I think making everything quieter has been so healthy. I’m glad that we at least had a childhood without all the distractions!

My favorite kind of light, is the kind that is the most fleeting.
The most elusive unless I am careful to notice its presence.
There is something wonderful about knowing I must treasure the glow before it disappears.
Once it fades & night is here,
I am always glad I did. ♥

-Andrea Dozier

Above images are from my Instagram feed, brought to you entirely by my iPhone.
Find me on Instagram: AndreaDozier 


Last week was a blur of sick kiddos, doctor visits, working late into the nights, and cold rain.
We had one golden evening and had a little sunset picnic next to the lake.
I’ve been loving the colors & flavors of a full blown autumn.
Around here, we’re trying to sip on the sweetness of the season, but still find balance.

 I also had the chance to attend my ten year high school reunion.
It was refreshing to see old friends & interesting step into “Andrea Bell’s” shoes for a bit.
They don’t really fit anymore, but I guess that’s the nature of growing & becoming who we are.
It was nice to see people in person, the internet will never be able to replace that feeling! ♥

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