Pink Smoothie


I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever be a good blogger.
Not for lack of content or words, but in practice & discipline.

Fingers crossed I’ll try.
That is, try to collect myself & make it easier to combine letters with pixels.

I’ve been shooting a lot more with my phone.
It’s interesting how it challenges me to take the very simple elements of photography to a more inspired format.
The limitations become stepping stones to achieving in-camera satisfaction.

Light & composition are vital, as they ought to be.
I feel less pressure & travel lighter.
As you’ve seen through the last sporadic posts, I’ll probably use it a lot more to keep up with non-commissioned work.
I can’t tell you how many DIYs, recipes, or moments with my kids will be trapped on hard drives that will never be shared publicly.
Not because I can’t access them, but because after I shoot & edit tens of thousands of pictures,
I am completely unmotivated to touch my own.

Here is a little treat I’ve been enjoying this week.

It’s so nice when you stumble across a recipe & realize you can make it with what you have on hand.
Even if you must sub a few things here & there.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie with Coconut Milk brought to you by my iPhone 4 & Afterglow App.

I love love love Instagram & saw this recipe from @KaraGarber’s feed, {you can also find her blogging at B. H. Storm & Co. }.


I just caught up on Season Two of Downton Abbey & since I watched it in one week, I feel lost without more episodes.
I also have a tendency to hear myself think in a pathetic mimic of a British Accent.
Someone please tell me this is a normal side effect.

I hope it’s not too early to start seeing hearts for Valentine’s Day. I’m not opposed. ♥

Find me on Instagram by @AndreaDozier, or online at

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  • alli - January 18, 2013 - 11:26 am

    Love the new look!

    After watching Downton, I always find myself transported to their world at random moments of the day. : )

  • Jaclyn - January 19, 2013 - 8:56 pm

    I’ve always thought you were a very talented blog writer. I really admired your blogs back in the myspace/facebook days…it challenged me as an english major – especially since I always felt you were a much better writer than me and all I had was a piece of paper to show for it…LOL

    I miss those days…but I would never trade living a [real] life outside of social media and finding all that life has to offer. But that’s just me…;-)

  • Andrea - February 9, 2013 - 1:42 pm

    Thank you Alli! I am getting sad that this season is almost over!

    Jaclyn, wow, thank you. I feel really honored for you to say that! Writing has always been a very big part of me but I definitely wish I made more time for it! I think making everything quieter has been so healthy. I’m glad that we at least had a childhood without all the distractions!

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