Category Archives: Portrait

It was 2005 and we had orders to move to Texas. We were headed into uncharted territory: the military. I had no experience with it and Rock never seemed inclined to be the type of person to join. But a year into our marriage we were boxing up our few belongings and taking a deep breath. The kind you take before you make a big jump. And you’re just hoping that the ground will be kind to you on the other side.

I assumed that after Texas, we’d be given an exotic assignment. Germany. Italy. Japan?
I quit college to follow Rocky to a little base in a big state.

After being separated for the summer, I found out our next duty station while I was driving to join Rocky. Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Right back to where we started. We were both relieved that we would be going “home.” It was definitely a blessing. But knowing that I could essentially pick up where I had left off in college, I wondered if it was the best timing to have a baby. But it was too late to wonder, Kevin was due in March.

His birth made me realize that I couldn’t take a single “good” picture. I didn’t know how to focus the camera & I started begging Rocky to teach me how to do it. As a stay at home mom finishing my design degree, I didn’t have the luxury to leave the house for my assignments. I ended up doing a lot of food photography in the kitchen for various class projects. I had an itty bitty camera {not even a DSLR}, but I studied light & metering like a maniac. When I had the vision for a certain shot, I would ask Rocky how to do it. He patiently explained the technicalities of shutter speeds, ISO changes, white balance, etc. When I had free time, I’d photograph baby Kevin. Capturing him in those moments was pure euphoria.

He has been the passion, the catalyst, and the face of my photography journey. No bride would have ever Facebooked me inquiring about doing their wedding if I didn’t have million pictures of Kevin plastered all over them. Because I didn’t plan to grow up & be a wedding photographer. I just wanted to record his life & be a good graphic designer. He changed all of that & made it easy for photography to find me.

Today I took Kevin out and photographed him. It was like old times, but he’s almost my size & thinks he’s a grown man. This was Kevin’s Easter outfit {yes from last Spring}. I kept meaning to photograph him in it but never got around to it. “We’ve sort of had a lot going on,” is definitely an understatement. I fell in love with this suit when I saw it, I think it would be a fun take on a ring bearer’s attire for a casual wedding!

That poor tie kept falling off. Made for many photographs of him adjusting it.

His tie makes me laugh. I wasn’t allowed to touch it. Four year olds can be so stubborn, but it just makes for even more personalized photographs.

He let me hold his hand while I led him out of the tall grass. I cherish every time he lets me, because I know my opportunities to do it are limited.

It was hilarious to “work” with him. He has a lot of attitude lately & I had to bribe & beg most of the time to get him to stand in the right light. Posing him was useless, he would pretty much do the opposite… or run…

This evening as I arranged these photographs for this post I remembered why I ever picked up a camera in the first place.

Kevin, you are getting so tall that it makes me cringe. I miss the baby with rubber band arms. But your humor & sweetness make me appreciate you as you are. I will replay this evening a million times because of these images. I’m so glad I have them, because it was so special to spend time with just you again.

Thank you for being perfectly on time & changing me in so many ways that I forget who I used to be. ♥

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  • mary - September 16, 2010 - 4:36 am

    these are too stinking cute!!!! he looks so grown will have to, please, let me go through them to pick some shots to print…he is so adorable!! great job on both of you 🙂

  • Chloe - September 16, 2010 - 6:25 am

    He is so handsome! I LOVE the pictures! He has such a mischievous smile! 🙂

  • jackie - September 16, 2010 - 10:11 am

    such a handsome little man! beautiful shots!

  • tiffany bannorra-thuma - September 16, 2010 - 2:30 pm

    Andrea. These are wonderful! I dont know what else to say! Love this!!

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andrea Dozier, Andrea Dozier. Andrea Dozier said: This is why I could not sleep until I posted it: […]

  • [Blocked by CFC] Tammy - September 16, 2010 - 4:24 pm

    I love these!!! Kevin is so handsome, unique, lovable and down right adorable!! What awesome photos!

  • Kate/MagnoliaRouge - October 4, 2010 - 4:22 pm

    OMG these are utterly adorable. Just beautiful!!

This blog was actually born just over a year ago.

There have been many lessons learned, many sweet people who have stood in front of my lens, many logo revisions… and hopefully a lot of growth.

In addition to these things, there have also been many nights spent listening to Pandora while I edit and write. This song played one evening and I have been hooked ever since. I thought it would be a pretty soundtrack to listen to as you view little baby Ally’s photographs…

Ally’s family was about to leave town to go home to Texas. We had coordinated a photo session that would take place just before they left. I was so disappointed when I woke up to grey clouds and soft rain. It’s beautiful in and of itself, but not ideal for newborn portraits outside. We were so fortunate that when we arrived and set up, everything cleared up and we had a beautiful morning shoot.

So my little dream, is to convert a portion of our home for a newborn studio. A place where mamas can bring new babies and not have to hold their breath & pray the weather will perfectly cooperate. This won’t happen for some time or maybe not this house… but someday.

Ally has two older brothers, so her mama, Kelly, is so thrilled to dress her up in ruffles & flowers & PINK! Since I have two boys as well, photographing a beautiful five pound baby girl was heavenly…

Sweet dreams ♥

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  • Sarah - September 9, 2010 - 6:34 am

    She is so tiny! I love that smile you caught. Beautiful work.

  • Reagan - September 9, 2010 - 12:42 pm

    OMG! She is just TOO precious! 🙂 I love the smile pic too, especially after looking at the picture where she looks deep in thought with her little lips pouting. hehehe Congratulations!!!

  • Kelly - September 9, 2010 - 2:27 pm

    Andrea, you did such an amazing job as always! Thank you for sharing in this special time with us!

  • Renee - September 10, 2010 - 12:05 pm

    Oh geesh she is so freakin little! and absolutly adorable!!!

  • […] I had to share with you…. my friend Andrea is an amazing photographer and her gift to me was this….Ally’s Photoshoot! […]

I am really looking forward to meeting my own baby boy next month, but you have no idea how much I adored getting to play with Fable for her newborn portraits!
She is a beauty…

I love the sweetness of new babies… there is nothing to compare it to.

Kerry & Seth, I’m so happy that your lovely baby girl is here, I think she’s going to look a lot like her mama! ♥

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  • Dognbird - May 23, 2010 - 8:17 am

    Beautiful work Andrea! Love the light and the sweet details. Those feet are precious!

  • Hannalee Photography - June 16, 2010 - 11:32 am

    I admire photographers that have the patience to shoot newborns. This is just so stunning. Words can’t speak about the preciousness, but your photos do! Well done, makes we want to have another one! Lol

These three boys have a special place in my heart. Their mamas have been incredible friends of mine for many years & it’s very awesome to see their individual personalities take shape as they grow. Having my own son & another boy on the way, we are very aware that when we get together there is some major outnumbering going on! It’s ok though, because with little “mans” {as my son Kevin would say} as handsome & sweet as them, it’s not a bad thing to be surrounded!



I could shoot with this delicious lighting every day and never tire of it {and subjects as perfect as these boys}!

Oh the temptations for three young boys climbing on this contraption… they showed a lot of restraint for this portrait!

After we “finished,” we let the boys cut loose and this perfect scene unfolded. This is why when I say I’m “done” I never put my camera up right away:

Photographing children is outrageously fun & unpredictable! You never know what you will get & they are quite entertaining.
Here are some outtakes from their vintage inspired portrait session:

I enjoyed this session so much, a big thank you to their mamas for coordinating their outfits and helping to keep everything flowing on such a hot March day! We enjoyed popsicles at the end {to my satisfaction}. My one regret is that I didn’t incorporate the women behind the scenes, but I look forward to when we will! ♥

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This session was very special to me, because my older brother Sam just became a dad! It seems like yesterday that we were throwing his wife, Suzanne, a baby shower. Nathaniel arrived on March 15 in the wee hours of the morning. I am so honored to introduce him to you, it’s pretty easy to fall in love with him!

Nathaniel’s newborn session took place at Carriage Hill Farm located in Huber Heights, there’s a lot of charm & excellent natural backdrops to use in portraits.

I am love with every perfect wrinkle he has.

It’s probably obvious that while I was photographing Nathaniel & preparing this post, it just made me all the more ready to meet our little man. With every kick and movement I wonder what he looks like and what he will think of our world. It can be distracting, but I love daydreaming about him :]

Congratulations Samuel & Suzanne, I’m so very happy for the two of you!

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  • Amy McClain - April 21, 2010 - 5:39 am

    he is so precious! thank you for sharing Andrea =] I’m excited for you to meet your new little one too!