Category Archives: Portrait

This morning I wanted to share a very special session.
I’ve known Amber since she was a tiny girl & recently I had the privilege of photographing her senior portraits.
She put on this pink dress & just glowed

We did them at her house & it’s a very special place… where I had sleepovers, hayrides with bonfires, & even attended weddings in their beautiful garden.
Under this arch that her mama always thought looked like a heart, we could feel her love & even capture her lovely spirit in some photographs.

Much love to you Amber, you gorgeous graduate! ♥

MUA – Ruby’s Traveling Beauty Show

Beautiful Styling – Amber & her sisters Sarah & Leslie

My boys are feeling so much better & my husband is getting back this weekend from New York… I’ll be tackling my very neglected inbox.
My apologies to those of you waiting for emails!

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My lovely little sister graduated from high school & we took pictures to celebrate.


Dear Abby,

I was in third grade when you were born. I remember hoping you would share my birthday, but instead you arrived two days later. You had a flaky newborn nose & I was ecstatic to have a baby sister. We didn’t have a typical sister relationship, because I was so much older. I don’t think we ever fought & I adored you. We shared a room, watched {girly} movies & I celebrated everything you ever did. Especially when you quit sucking your thumb {haha}.

Now I barely recognize you. All grown up. Super long hair {I’m jealous}. Packing up for college soon. Watching my kids the way I took care of you.

I truly celebrate everything about who you have become.

You’ve heard dozens of sweet speeches, but I will just say one thing more.

Please visit us often, you gorgeous, gorgeous sister. ♥



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  • Erica OBrien - June 11, 2011 - 12:12 am

    What a beautiful girl, and what a beautiful post.

  • raspberry essence - June 11, 2011 - 1:06 am

    lovely post Andrea! and your sister is so beautiful 🙂

  • Kate/MagnoliaRouge - June 11, 2011 - 1:52 am

    Stunning pictures… she looks amazing!!

  • Michelle March - June 11, 2011 - 8:36 am

    These are soooo pretty! 🙂 I want you to photograph me!! Your sister is stunning. I love her hair. I miss my own long hair. Hehe! Congrats to her!

  • sarah - June 11, 2011 - 10:01 am

    beautiful! and i love the bandaid on her foot! 🙂

  • Jessica Magee - June 11, 2011 - 11:08 am

    She is absolutely gorgeous!! I’m jealous of her long hair too, mine’s got the length but not the life. 😀 I love the love you two have, lots of sisters don’t have that. I’m glad to see you honor it.

  • Jerry Bell - June 12, 2011 - 4:07 am

    Andrea, I need to show you the video we took of when Abby first met her siblings at the hospital. Mom and I recently saw the video and it was so touching. Children are truly a “gift” from the Lord and we all have so much to be Thankful for!
    Love always………dad

  • Diana - June 13, 2011 - 2:52 pm

    So many fun pictures, and I absolutely [heart] a few. Plus your words to your lil sis are super sweet 😉

  • LeiLani @ Elle Golden Photography - June 14, 2011 - 10:22 pm

    So sweet. I don’t know you or Abby, but this post just warms my heart. Beautiful images of a gorgeous gal.

  • Kristi - June 14, 2011 - 10:55 pm

    Oh your sister is gorgeous!!!! What a lovely post ;-)))) I too have a sister that was born 7 years and 1 day after me ;-)))). Love being a big sister!!!

    Luna and Chloe Weddings

  • Andrea - June 25, 2011 - 12:18 am

    Thank you all so much, this was such a special project to me! We were definitely trying to avoid the typical “senior” look but still capture her youth… that’s why I loved the bandaid shot! Kristi, I didn’t know that, so cool! It was so cool to have such a good friendship with her & practice being a mommy 😀

  • denise nicole - June 25, 2011 - 8:27 pm

    Ohmygosh this is the sweetest post!!! I love how intimately you captured her personality!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! What a beautiful relationship you have. This post tugs at my heart!!! God bless!

  • […] She wanted some pictures to decorate for the party so she drove down here & we had a spontaneous sunset shoot. We left the house & had no idea where we were going, but I think it turned out well.You can see more pictures from her session over on my photography blog here. […]

When I met Rock’s family, Emily was just a little girl. I guess I didn’t realize how quickly a ten year old grows up into a senior! She has a vibrant, bubbly personality & the confidence I was always looking for as a teenager. I love that she was so enthusiastic & willing to let me take the time to find creative angles. She already had traditional portraits taken with a local studio, so she gave me free reign to photograph her artistically. Trust & time are two ingredients that, if I am given, I will use carefully to create artwork that captures the very best of the moment.

All photographs were taken at Wegerzyn Gardens, a Dayton Metropark where Rocky & I were married. It is such a special place to me 😉

It was a beautiful, sun drenched evening in the midst of grey cold spring. The breeze would cooperate at just the right moments…

To say she is beautiful feels like such an understatement.

Then she changed & we worked out a whole new concept. I am in love with this exotic twist we spontaneously found at another part of Wegerzyn Gardens Metropark!
It reminded me of Mexico & what I love so much about my heritage.

This session shows why I love to start photographing about two hours before sunset… it is my favorite kind of light.

Emily’s enthusiasm to graduate & move on to college is so obvious… her happiness at this time in her life made her radiant. I am excited that she’ll be joining my baby sister, Abby, {whose senior portraits I’ll be sharing soon} at the same college & they will will both be close to where my parents live.
She’s not getting away from us one bit!

My husband just returned from a week long trip to New York, we are excited to have him home just in time for Easter!
Hope your weekend is filled with lots of family & love! ♥

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  • Laura Leslie - April 23, 2011 - 2:05 pm

    You are an amazing photographer! Love the lighting in these 🙂

  • Raspberry essence - April 24, 2011 - 12:43 pm

    stunning Andrea!!

  • Michelle March - April 28, 2011 - 10:14 am

    Beautiful! I love the lighting and Emily is gorgeous! Those eyes!!

When my in-laws were cleaning out their garage, I was really inspired by an old red bike they considered giving away. I promised that we would use it for a photo session… and true to my word, a whole story evolved from that bike!

For this shoot, I teamed up with stylist & photographer Caitlin Buck of Simply Photography. I actually met her at Ashley & Jimmy’s wedding last May. Shortly after she introduced herself, she said something about shooing with a Nikon as well and I liked her! She makes a lot of her own props & headpieces for her clients! She is incredible! We bounced ideas back & forth, then she brought so much creativity & enthusiasm to this set.

We set up the shoot (Caitlin and I arrived with two very full SUVs of props) at Brumbaugh Fruit and Fun Farm. They are located just outside of Arcanum, Ohio and have a large apple orchard as well as fun games for the kids and treats. You’ll probably remember our newlyweds, Ashley & Jimmy from here. They brought their adorable pups, Marino (Golden Retriever) & Lucca (Pomeranian)!

It was Ashley’s birthday weekend, so I baked a cake with a rustic bunting top!

A golf cart went by at just the right time to create a really beautiful haze of dust in the background. I want to bring one to every shoot now.

Isn’t she lovely?

Mini Apple Cider doughnuts from Tim Hortons. I have an addiction to their hot chocolate with whipped cream.

Caitlin hollowed out the apples to make little cups… so cute!

Caitlin also made headpieces for the pups… I LOVED this idea! I also love when clients bring their “kids!”

This vintage Love Story was also featured on the beautiful blog, Postcards & Pretties!

Yesterday I hinted on my Facebook page that there will be an announcement on here, please check back tomorrow for all the details! ♥

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  • Diana - January 10, 2011 - 9:15 am

    Ok the cuteness never stops and I love it!! The puppies, the bike with the basket, her little dress and boots, the adorable couple sitting together on the blanket!! <3 Beautiful shots!

  • Lane Dittoe - January 15, 2011 - 4:50 pm

    This is awesome!! great job…..

  • j. lee - June 2, 2011 - 7:35 pm

    what brand is this dress?!

  • Sahar - July 31, 2011 - 9:48 pm

    I’d love to know what kind of puppies those are! Any idea?

  • Things I Love | Dogs! » Soundtrack To I Do - September 29, 2011 - 11:26 am

    […] Left: Ruffled Top Right: Andrea Dozier Photography Middle Left: Pinterest Middle Top Right: Pinterest Middle Bottom Right: We Heart It Bottom Left: […]

  • I Do(nut) « Wed in Vancouver - April 5, 2012 - 8:31 am

    […] (clockwise from top left): Carpe Donut Truck | Andrea Dozier Photography | Intimate Weddings | Ivy And Aster | Sweet And Saucy Shop} Like this:LikeBe the first to like […]

  • Anastasia - Wedding Photographer - January 6, 2013 - 3:53 pm

    Sexy indeed, she looks like a diva. An expressive couple, a wonderful work with this shooting. I must say that you give us a new ways of shooting photos like this

Looking back at the photographs, I feel a tiny yearning for the lush greenery & golden sunlight. The leaves have been waltzing delicately to the ground & skies have been overcast & gray. But this has been a good week. Amazing. And wonderful. Because the baby in these pictures was born, healthy & strong. Congratulations to your beautiful family Sarah!

I love when siblings and daddy’s can make it to the shoot… it’s so precious to see everyone together in pictures once more before the little one arrives!

Sarah loves autumn. Ever since we were little she would get giddy about all things fall & even the interiors of her home are influenced by the color palette this season brings. I love that she now has a little one born during her favorite month!

{Stay tuned for his newborn session} ♥

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