Distel Family | Dayton, Oh Family Photography

My cousin, April, has two very sweet baby girls. It’s so cool to see how her family has grown & to be able to document it with my camera. She is from Northern Ohio, but was gracious enough to meet me at a park in Sydney (about half way for both of us). I usually like to scope out locations before we shoot, but only Googled this one. Turned out, {to my relief}, we had plenty to work with!

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Miriah is a year old, and I love how at that age, everything is new & their curiosity is so obvious. She made me smile all over again working with these pictures.





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And because her shoes were insanely adorable, had to show them in color :]


Recap of October II still in the works as well as three weddings & three engagements. I am gonna be a blogging machine for the next couple weeks ;]

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  • April - November 5, 2009 - 3:18 pm

    Thank you so much Andrea. I’ve looked at them like 5 time already… They are so cute. I love the one with Kaitlyn and all her little uneven fly aways. lol. You were able to capture some of the different faces of Miriah. I’m speechless. Thanks again.

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