Category Archives: Portrait

I have been able to meet & get to know Jacqui on a few occasions, but since Joshua is stationed in Georgia I didn’t get to meet him until the engagement shoot just days before their wedding. I love military couples, and it’s such an honor to photograph couples who have been separated. They are always so great for my camera… they need little coaxing to show some love! I am crossing my fingers the leaves will wait a little longer to fall so that we can fit in some more shoots before the trees become entirely bare!



I try to do a little research with my couples before engagement sessions to understand what backdrop will suit them best. After a few questions, I discovered that Josh & Jacqui spent childhood summers on a lake in NY. It’s a huge part of their love story. We didn’t have access to that lake, but did what we could ;]



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It was really windy {& cold}, so the dress shot was so natural. This is one of my favorites!

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We just got back from our “honeymoon” in Mexico this week! It was definiely the best vacation we’ve ever taken. I’ve got a lot of work to post, it’s been a very busy {but wonderful} month. I’m trying to finish my clients pictures then I’ll share a little about our trip. Have a happy weekend!

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  • Jacqui Winchell - October 16, 2009 - 9:09 am

    oh Andrea! I LOVE THEM!!!! I have tears in my eyes I’m so happy. Thank you so much for all you have done for us, I can’t wait to see the rest.

  • alli from hooray - October 17, 2009 - 1:27 pm

    Andrea, these photos are beautiful! I love the way your pictures tell stories.

  • Whitney - October 19, 2009 - 11:21 am

    Gorgeous pictures, as always!

This is the first picture I took of Natalie. I knew as soon as I saw it that I was gonna love working with her & her mom, Aimee.
More photographs of these two gorgeous ladies coming soon… this is gonna have to just be Part I!

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I love this picture, I think she was watching a dog & her expression is beautifully priceless!

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  • Ashley - September 24, 2009 - 9:17 am

    SO cute… I love your watermark/signature thing as well : )

  • Aimee Clark - October 14, 2009 - 3:53 pm

    Hey Andrea,
    These pictures have turned out absolutely amazing. I cried when I saw them the first time. You are so talented, and I am so happy that Nataly and I got to do this with you. I have had a lot of my relatives go to this site to take a look at the pictures and a lot of them have expressed an interest in purchasing some prints. Is there any way that you could send me a price list for different sizes that I can pass along to family? Also, Nataly’s aunt wanted to know if you would be available a little closer to the holidays so we could get some Christmas pictures made. Give me a call, text, or email and I will talk to you soon!! You are amazing, thank you again!!



  • […] I am hoping to squeeze in one more styled Valentine session with cookies & the lovely little Nataly! […]

  • […] sure you remember the unforgettable pint sized beauty Nataly, I know I couldn’t wait to see her again! We met at The Greene in Kettering and had a […]

I got to spend some time photographing Kerry & little Jack last week and these are some of my favorite pictures from that evening. They are a military family, so it’s always special to take pictures for the Dads to see how things are going while they are away. Don’t you love his little pirate costume?


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I love the idea of using the costume in portraits because fall always comes and goes too soon. Before we know it, they outgrow them…




Jack attacked her a few times, but it made for the sweetest pictures ;]

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And one more…


I’ve been eying this field {after a couple sunset drives}, knowing it would be a perfect backdrop.

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  • Whitney - September 18, 2009 - 9:12 am

    All your work just amazes me. You are so talented and I feel extremely lucky to have you do my wedding photos, cannot wait!

  • Brooke Barnes - September 18, 2009 - 6:15 pm

    I’m so happy I got to be there for the photo shoot! The pics turned out great!

  • Stephanie DeBolt - September 21, 2009 - 5:31 pm

    Andrea these are amazing…as if I would expect anything less from you! Kerry you are gorgeous and I cant wait to see lil Jack again!

In honor of the respect I have for the military and all they have sacrificed for us since September 11, I wanted to share a special post. I went to high school with Kelly, but only recently got to know her. She is incredible, an army wife who has really inspired me (she finished a bachelor’s degree with two children at home during this deployment}! Her husband, Jerry, will be coming home from a year long deployment in a few weeks and I wanted to share their Rock the Dress Shoot. He had an emergency in the family and ended up coming home for about a week last spring. We went out and shoot this during that special time when he would only be there for a few moments before returning to Egypt. I loved these pictures because they were so genuine. I barely had to ask them to do anything, the joy and love was all over their faces. It was such an honor to be able to capture it. {I give Military 10% off portrait sessions}.

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A lot of photographers call it Trash the Dress, but I prefer to think of it as a glamorous session. I’m not against anyone ruining their dress, but a lot of people who are booking these sessions with me are really wanting “the wedding pictures they never had.” It’s an opportunity to take beautiful pictures without the stress or time constraints of the wedding. Grooms are optional, but encouraged to come.
Please contact me if you are interested, I think it’s a lovely way to remember and renew the love from your special day.

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Just in case it isn’t obvious, my husband is Active Duty Air Force. I’ve met some really awesome military families that have loved ones away for various reasons, and I understand the challenges of staying in touch while our children grow daily without Daddy or Mommy there. Even though we spoke often through web cams and I sent pictures frequently, my husband couldn’t believe how much Kevin {my son} had grown while he was in Afghanistan. I offer a complimentary session for families with deployed members or on extended TDY orders. Please contact me for more information at:

Our friend, Jeremiah, is currently in Iraq. I had the chance to get some shots of his wife, Guadalupe, & their handsome son, Manny.


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Can’t wait to see the three of them together again!

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