“Bad Days” Need Not Apply

My mind is telling me to give in to the rain & cry that today was a horrible day.
My heart is certain I should accept whatever wakes me up from the lull of living in a trance of distraction from what is truly valuable.

The winter blues have been stubborn.
Oh I know they always are and we really are a fortunate family.
Sometimes what makes a thing so hard is trying so fiercely to fight it.
To surrender would require little sweat.

Today was going to be a mid-week getaway thanks to a school staff service day and me switching my work & Damian’s daycare schedule. The three of us were going to the aquarium in Cincinnati. I didn’t want to drive in heavy traffic, so we left a little later in the morning to avoid it. We had snacks, drinks, cameras, pillow pets, umbrellas, changes of clothes… you would have thought we were going for a week.

We didn’t make it far because we heard the horrid sound of metal on metal {that anyone who’s been in a crash knows}, and felt the confusing impact of being hit from behind. The moment of terror that happens when you don’t know if the kids, {the ones closer to the collision}, are hurt is something I hope I will never relive.

They are just fine & there was only minimal damage to the back of my car.

We really are a fortunate family.

After settling everything and making sure that mommy’s nerves were calm enough to drive again,
we opted for a much closer museum to release some energy.

These boys realized tonight that mommy didn’t mind reading ten books if it’s what they wanted.
I was so deliriously happy to be in their cozy little room.
Reading Pajama Time! & Darth Maul’s Mission to two perfectly healthy boys has never been a greater honor.

We really are a fortunate family.

"Bad Days" Need Not Apply | AndreaDozier.com

From today.

iPhone 4 | Afterglow App

We could have really used a carefree red letter day, like the one I had planned.
My stomach is still uneasy & reminding me that I’m not made of stone.
If I could ask for something, it would be your prayers of encouragement and of thanks with me. ♥

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  • Kelly - February 27, 2013 - 8:54 pm

    I’m always praying and thinking about you three! So glad that all of you are safe!

  • Andrea - February 28, 2013 - 7:22 am

    Thank you so much Kelly, I”m glad too! We are so thankful to have you! It was so good to see you, can’t wait for the next time {hopefully at a park if this weather would warm up}!

  • alli - February 28, 2013 - 9:12 pm

    Most definitely thinking of your family!

  • Andrea - March 1, 2013 - 1:47 pm

    Thank you Alli! You are the best! I’m itching to make something with the vanilla you sent, so excited to use it! I’ll post/send pics! 🙂

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