Simply Bloom Workshop | Styled Shoot

Part II of III

After absorbing Vania & Christine’s insightful presentation, {and of course asking questions freely}, we got our photography gear together and headed out to a private orchard to shoot a group session. Their location of choice is perfect. They have definitely inspired me to seek my own reliable “outdoor studio” here in Dayton.

The models, married couple Kristian & Skyler, were adorable! They were open to all suggestions and calmly posed in spite of having “18 shutters & 36 eyes all over them” as Vania explained in the recap of the workshop.

I love photographing just before sunset when so many gorgeous colors unapologetically flaunt their beauty:

Vania & Christine brought a mini trampoline and it was genius! Kristian was adventurous enough to do a few takes for us {in the amazing wedding gown} and this is probably one of my favorites from the day. She made flying look effortless:

I’m so glad they included a group session! I loved watching Simply Bloom work together and get a better understanding of how they direct their clients during a shoot. There is so much to learn by observing. At first I felt a little shy to “jump in,” but I find comfort holding my camera. It’s familiar. I forget that at this point it’s hard to put on shoes or bend over… There is an energy that compels me to capture everything that is playing so beautifully before my eyes. I have a hard time putting it down.

Thank you for sharing this experience with me as I revisit such a fantastic workshop! In the final part, I will share how they’ve impacted me personally at this “interesting” season in my life.

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