Category Archives: Wedding

I’ve been trying to feed my family & myself more fresh, organic foods. We have been so excited to grow a little vegetable garden at this “new” house. Something about summer makes it effortless to crave healthier foods. It felt so easy & natural to incorporate these everyday practices into a styled engagement session. I wanted to romanticize something that so many of us do. I happen to think spending time outdoors gardening is a fun way to hang out with your best friend.

When I came across this book, Soil Mates by Sara Alway, at Anthropologie, these little pieces came together & all I had to do was find a couple willing to cooperate. Abby & Brett were perfect! She listened to my concept & enthusiastically selected the perfect wardrobe for each of them. It was a great way to get to know them better & practice for photographs before their wedding that is coming up later this month!

I wanted to showcase ideas for a lovely vintage table of some healthy munchies. That is where my dear friend, Wanda, of Sugar Maple Weddings & Events came in. I showed her my (Pinterest) inspiration board, and she was set! I was “oohing & ahhing” the whole time I photographed her beautiful vegetable & fruit display. It would be perfect for an engagement party or bridal shower in addition to wedding reception inspiration! She is a Dayton area wedding planner & event stylist. She is very familiar with vintage design & showcasing rustic elegance. I’ve always loved any project that she is part of!

I found this little DIY Hummus & Baby Carrot in terra cotta pots garnished with Parsley at this sweet blog {via Pinterest}.

Wanda made this beautiful ribbon backdrop, that inspired my own DIY Ribbon Chandelier for my office.

This watermelon cake is just a creative way to serve watermelon! I found it on Pinterest too. The original idea is Martha Stewart. Of course.

I have been obsessed with pinwheels & fabric flowers lately. They are actually easy to make & a simple addition to a plain cake that adds a lovely touch! I was nervous to try this, because it goes against the idea of icing or fondant flowers on a cake. I felt a little more courage when I saw Martha Stewart Weddings Magazine {Summer 2011} had a cover spread about this very thing. You should read it if you are interested in having a DIY wedding cake! Choosing your own fabric is a perfect way to tie design together in a new way!

 Makeup was done by another talented friend, Leslie, of Glamour Make-up Art by Ruby Randall.
She is AMAZING & {understandably} in demand, so snatch her up quick for your wedding or portraits!

Abby’s dress & apron were from Anthropologie.

The egg shell planters were another Pinterest inspired idea.

Beer & Peonies were from Trader Joe’s {the Peonies in my yard had already died :(}.

Wanda & Leslie, you two were incredible… THANK YOU!

You can also see this shoot featured on Green Wedding Shoes.

 Thanks for coming out for a sunset engagement shoot Abby & Brett! I can’t wait to see you on your wedding day! ♥


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  • sarah - July 6, 2011 - 4:27 am

    love LOVE the wedding ring in the cactus!! and planting the little egg plant! adorable!

  • Belkis H - July 6, 2011 - 7:33 am

    Beautiful and inspiring as always!!!

  • alli - July 6, 2011 - 8:44 am

    this is A-mazing. that watermelon cake and those terra cotta veggies.. SO much cuteness! you and Wanda are two talented ladies.

  • […] from Dayton, Ohio was a very classic, elegant event. You might remember Abby & Brett from their garden engagement session that was featured on Green Wedding Shoes. Abby emulated vintage taste & also added playful […]

I am contemplating re-naming this blog to Andrea Dozier: Previews.

It seems that is all you are getting lately! With a rush of warm, beautiful weather, I’ve had to overlap several sessions into a short amount of time that had previously been rained out. I’ve also continued to work with some gorgeous brides & can’t wait to continue sharing in full what I’ve been up to. I love being able to shoot so much more, {even though I’ve somewhat abandoned this blog}. I am excited that I am doing my favorite part of my wedding photography job- working with happy couples & capturing genuine dreamy moments.

Many of you follow my work on Facebook and have been able to see these previews first.

This is an engagement session in Troy, Ohio with a couple who loves their pups & loves to go fishing:

This wedding was also in Troy, Ohio, with the wedding & reception held at the lovely & historic Troy Hayner Cultural Center.

Finally, even though I have not been able to continue to do family & baby sessions, I have made a couple exceptions lately. Here is one of baby Adalay who’s mama was the first person I ever photographed as a “job.” She saw something in my personal work & design projects that I didn’t see… I’m so grateful for people like her who encouraged me to do what I am doing now!

Our little house is also coming along and also sports a fresh coat of paint. It just seems that spring has been full of growth & change. Two things I welcome wholeheartedly. ♥

P.S. After a very busy month, I am taking tomorrow off to hang out with my family at the Troy Strawberry Festival. Will I see you there?!

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  • Victoria - June 10, 2011 - 12:51 pm

    Lovely photos, the shot of the newborn is gorgeous, I love the fluffy blanket!

  • Andrea - June 25, 2011 - 12:19 am

    Thanks Victoria! Me too! Her mommy was actually holding her on her lap & it covered her. So funny what pictures don’t always show 😀

I know it’s been quiet around here. I’ve been busy as a bee working behind the scenes on some sweet images that I can’t wait to share.

Here is a preview of Erin + Pete from their Carillon Park vintage wedding that I photographed last week:

This brightens my rainy day. ♥

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  • Anna @ IHOD - May 18, 2011 - 2:17 pm

    Wow!! Her dress is amazing! Can’t wait to see more!

  • sarah - June 4, 2011 - 12:07 am

    i love this one! love it!

Thanks for coming back.


If you just visited recently, a window may have appeared on your computer warning you against my site. {Hacked. Boo.}

Or you may have realized that I had not posted anything new. For a long time. {See above ^ hacker situation.}

The fact that you have come means the world to me & I feel grateful for friends who follow my work.

Here’s a little preview of Brad & Alisa’s beautiful wedding at the Brookside Golf And Country Club in Dublin, Ohio:

Brookside Golf And Country Club Wedding Columbus Ohio

It was so fun to shoot with my friend Caitlin, of Simply Photography. Thanks for letting me assist you, can’t wait to work together again!

We spent the last two weeks visiting my family while my husband gutted & rebuilt our bathroom. It has been a much anticipated project & I am actually thankful for the drywall dust that has covered our home. It signals progress & a new chapter.
I am so delighted to shop for all the little bathroom accessories that will make it feel like ours.

You have a lovely day too! ♥

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  • Jen - May 12, 2011 - 2:21 pm

    Absolutely gorgeous! Lovely light and so perfectly composed. Such amazing work!

  • Andrea - May 17, 2011 - 9:58 pm

    Thank you so much Jen! It’s nice to “meet” you, lovely work as well! 😀

I am really excited to share Stephen & Autumn’s wedding story with you today! It’s amazing how they lived several states away and didn’t meet until they both lived in a foreign country. They fell in love while serving as missionaries in beautiful Haiti.

Autumn took a risk by having her wedding in March, but the weather was kind & unusually gorgeous for Ohio. I love working with my favorite makeup artist Ruby Randall & hair stylist Amy Barger. It’s pretty much the wedding dream team that a bride could have. I’ve known both of them for many years & it’s always very fun to work with them at weddings.

Explaining how to dive into the dress…

Loved the “wrap” they used to cover her dress while touching up Autumn’s make-up!

All ready to go now…

I love the way they look at each other ♥

I love when grooms sing to their moms. When I photograph weddings I imagine what it will be like to dance with my sons someday a LONG time from now I hope.

It’s inspiring when you “meet” the couple who’s been married the longest. They were so cute!

Wishing you both all the best, huge hugs go out to Haiti for you both! ♥

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