Category Archives: Military

This is my fourth Wives of Faith blog post about Christmas. Regular photography posts will begin soon!

In the spirit of Christmas, I will try to narrow this post down to more festive topics. I’m so curious at what other spouses have written {click here to see} but I am going to be a good girl and not peek until I am done with this post!

You Might be a Military Spouse at Christmas: Top Ten List

10. You receive Christmas cards from more than five states.

9. You have trouble buying for the man who has been issued everything he could possibly need {and has the closet to prove it}.

8. Coming “home” for Christmas is your gift.

7. You are a sucker for collecting anything military themed. Santas, nutcrackers, ornaments… you name it. We dust it off and proudly display it.

6. You instantly burst into tears at any commercial that hints at soldiers being away for the holidays, {thanks Best Buy & Walmart}.

5. You’ve ever decorated the tree alone & taken about four thousand pictures of it for your deployed husband.

4. You know the words to the traditional carols, but can just as easily belt out all the lonely tunes.

3. You’ve ever told your children that packages that appear aren’t from Santa, but from the Daddy they haven’t seen in months.

2. Really, you don’t need any presents. One round of great sex will suffice when he gets home.

1. December 25 becomes just another day… it ceases to be the definition of Christmas for you. We have the amazing ability to make Christmas happen whenever we are together, whether it’s before, after, during the traditional day… or just somewhere tucked securely in our hearts that no war or absence can take away.


Bonus: No matter how thankful you are to have them home to participate in every tradition, you feel the nagging & persistent reminder that it’s not going to be the same next year. Then you go back to feeling grateful for right now.

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  • Sara - December 16, 2009 - 1:01 pm

    Great list Andrea! And I love your photography. You are so talented! Thanks for participating in the carnival and Merry Christmas!

  • Amy Hahn - December 16, 2009 - 2:14 pm

    Lovely post! Thankfully, we don’t live in military housing! We actually live 30 minutes away from post, which is the way I like it 😉 My husband is spending yet another year in Iraq, and this is yet another Christmas we won’t be spending together. But, we’ll celebrate in July, when he comes home for R&R! 😉

  • Jolene - December 16, 2009 - 4:06 pm

    What a sweet post – makes my heart melt(except for the water issue! when is it going to be fixed?!). Thanks for sharing!

  • Jessica - December 16, 2009 - 5:06 pm

    Great post! Ditto to everything you said especially number 6!!! I can not even watch this year and we are not deployed this year….

  • Kathryn - December 16, 2009 - 6:52 pm

    Great post! Love that picture!!

I’ve always loved Christmas time. I love the lights, the trees, the excitement. It is the one bright spot in dull Ohio winters. To fall in love during December with my husband was a wonderful surprise… but I will select an actual object that was given to me for this post.

The best Christmas present I ever received: Diamond Earrings

As fall 2003 churned out colder temperatures, I kissed my single life goodbye. It was the only life I’d ever known for twenty years. I was the most surprised when the most handsome man I’d ever met became my boyfriend. We had our first date on Decemeber 6, after my younger brother’s high school basketball game. I really couldn’t have dreamed a better beginning, {and believe me, I was the queen of daydreaming}.

We both knew that we were going to marry each other pretty early on. I won’t call it love at first sight, because I had known him for a few years before we ever dated. I figured he was too handsome & intelligent to ever look twice at me, so I just took a mental picture of him & asked God for someone exactly like him. As our first Christmas rolled around, I think I picked out some nice boring gifts like sweaters.

He chose earrings.

He pretty much could have gotten me anything & I would have been thankful. But he chose them because a few days before, my ears came up in conversation. I told him I didn’t show anyone my ears, unless I was wearing my hair up for softball. It had been years since I had played softball. I kept my hair securely covering them, because I have the smallest ears of anyone in the world.
At least I thought so…

He decided to give me diamond earrings so that I would get over my insecurity & show off my ears. It took me a minute to hear him out as he explained his ulterior motive. I kind of wanted to hate him, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was, “I love you.”

He has done a pretty good job at raising his sword to all my outrageous personal myths & insecurities… I only have a few left :]

Check out other Wives of Faith stories here.

*I will have to post a picture of them tomorrow, today went by too fast & I didn’t get a chance to photograph them!

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This one kind of has me stumped. I mean, it’s not like I don’t give Christmas presents on a yearly basis… I just can’t really think of anything very extraordinary to share. My husband, hands down, out gives me. It’s really not my fault though. We come up with a “budget” and I break it a little. He breaks it a lot. I consider him a cheater. Or at least, the worst cheater out of the two of us.

I wish I had cute elementary school memory, but I guess I only save the bad ones. There’s no room left in my head for anything sweet or cute from those days {okay, exaggerating a lot}. After much thought, I guess that I will recount the best experience of gift giving that my poor memory will allow.

The Best Christmas Present I Ever Gave: Rocky the Crane {from Thomas & Friends}


It’s no secret that my son has had an obsession with Thomas since his second birthday. It started out innocent enough, a little train came in the mail from Toys R Us. Then he wanted all of them. To be clear, there are about five hundred.

He has accumulated quite a bit over the last two years, and one that we had set our sights on was Rocky the Crane. Mostly because it’s my husband’s nickname {one he’s had since a toddler}. When my husband was deployed, the original Rocky, I was shopping with my sister and happened to come across this evasive Rocky the Crane. For once, I didn’t rush to a computer & e-mail him that I found it. Kevin wasn’t with me either, so I was giddy about my little secret purchase.

We had planned on having a nice web chat on Christmas, but for some reason, his commander planned an exercise at 4 am the day after Christmas, so he had to go to bed early. We settled for a brief “hello, I love you, goodbye.” December 26th, our spirits were a little low but we decided to go ahead & do one gift. I really wanted Kevin to open something in front of him so he felt a little bit of Christmas in Afghanistan. I knew which one to select.

I had tears in my eyes as Kevin pulled open the pine tree wrapping paper and yelled “ROCKY!” I did my best to position them in front of the web cam so that my Rocky wouldn’t miss a moment. They discussed this new toy & I watched as father & son shared a conversation with each other that could only be possible due to the miracle of technology. Daddy felt so close to us.

So it wasn’t the biggest toy, the most expensive, or even the most heartfelt. However, it’s the one I’ll never forget. We waited until February to celebrate the rest of Christmas and it was wonderful. I just don’t remember all the other presents as clearly, because I was a little distracted with staring at my husband.
Thankful that the one gift I wanted was home safe.

Unfortunately, soon after Rock came home, Rocky the Crane suffered a severed wire. Daddy tried to solder them together, but Kevin broke it again after that. He is beyond repair & will someday be replaced. They were working on it in this picture.


Interesting enough, a new crane debuted this fall: Kevin. So now we have Rocky the Crane & Helping Hook Kevin :]


Click here to see the topic in its original form, via Wives of Faith’s website.

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  • Aprille - December 14, 2009 - 1:27 pm

    That is such a sweet story!!!

  • Jessica - December 14, 2009 - 3:25 pm

    ah this is so sweet =)

Finally starting my Wives of Faith Christmas Blog Carnival

It turns out that Saturday is not a very good day to start a blogging series. After spending all morning in the kitchen baking, the afternoon at a photo shoot, then the evening enjoying my in-laws’ Christmas party… the post was never actualized. Yesterday’s topic was My Favorite Christmas Song. In all honesty, that one is a little hard to narrow down for me! Today, however, is pretty simple.

My Favorite Christmas Recipe: Sugar Cookies.

This was platter of cookies from last February, when my family celebrated Christmas {after my husband’s homecoming from Afghanistan}.


I bake a lot of cakes & cupcakes, but sugar cookies are always a holiday staple {in fact, they are what I was baking yesterday}. My mother-in-law gave me a cookbook as a wedding present. It was a good thing too, because I had just turned 22 the day before my wedding and had no cooking experience. I was a bit overwhelmed with the big book, so I started where I felt most comfortable- desserts. At some point I tried this sugar cookie recipe, and decided I would always make them at Christmas. I love baking them when I am not rushed and Kevin can help & play in with the extra dough. I love seeing his ideas for what to make and his little creative mind at work. It can be a mess, but these cookies are always worth it!

I have started a little collection of cookie cutters. Okay, I’ll admit, it’s more of an obsession. I have a deep drawer full of them! They represent everything adorable about childhood. If you are ever looking for a little gift for me, cookie cutters & ornaments will always be cherished :]

From that same day, my husband Rocky & Kevin making shark cookies for our late Christmas.


Sugar Cookies {from Better Homes & Gardens}:


  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour


1. Beat butter in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add sugar, baking powder, and salt. Beat until combined, scraping side of bowl occasionally. Beat in egg and vanilla until combined. Beat in as much flour as you can with the mixer. Stir in any remaining flour. Divide dough in half. Cover and chill dough in the refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours or until easy to handle.

2. Preheat oven to 375F. Roll each half of the dough to 1/8-inch thickness, on a lightly floured surface. Cut dough with a floured 3-1/2-inch mitten-shaped cookie cutter. Place cutouts 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets.

3. Bake in preheated oven about 8 minutes or until edges are set. Transfer cookies to wire racks and let cool. If desired, spread with Powdered Sugar Icing. Let stand until slightly set; pipe icing in decorative designs over iced cookies. Let stand until icing is set. Makes 36 cookies.

4. Powdered Sugar Icing: Stir together 3 cups powdered sugar, 2 to 3 tablespoons milk, and 1 teaspoon vanilla in a medium bowl to make of piping or spreading consistency. Divide icing and tint portions with desired food coloring. Makes about 2 cups.

5. To store: Place uniced cookies in layers separated by pieces of waxed paper in an airtight container; cover. Store at room temperature for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw cookies, if frozen. If desired, spread and/or pipe icing on cookies.

Our Christmas morning tradition of homemade waffles topped with strawberries comes in a really close second…


If you were not able to read my previous post, I am participating in a A Blogger’s Christmas via Wives of Faith. I love to write & I love Christmas, plus it’s an excuse to post some personal photography. As an Air Force wife, I also support the Wives of Faith organization & what they do to support & encourage spouses. I will continue to update my blog with weddings & photo shoots, so there may be a two posts a day at times.

Christmas is coming so soon & I look forward to the chance to reflect on Christmas topics daily… I just thought it would be a nice way to share my own thoughts & traditions from my favorite holiday :]

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  • Casey Pitts - December 13, 2009 - 3:11 pm

    Love your photos!

  • Kathryn - December 13, 2009 - 4:21 pm

    Beautiful post, love the pictures! I picked sugar cookies too! 🙂

  • Jessica - December 13, 2009 - 6:17 pm

    thanks for sharing the yummy recipe! and your pictures are great!!!!

  • Jolene - December 13, 2009 - 8:16 pm

    Your photographs are stunning! Thanks for the visuals…and the recipes too!

  • alli michelle - December 14, 2009 - 11:41 am

    I love to see your photo shoots of families & couples, so food photography & recipes are such a bonus! Loving this post. The shot of father & son is so precious.

  • Andrea - December 14, 2009 - 1:00 pm

    Thank you so much, I am enjoying this blog carnival :]

I have been able to meet & get to know Jacqui on a few occasions, but since Joshua is stationed in Georgia I didn’t get to meet him until the engagement shoot just days before their wedding. I love military couples, and it’s such an honor to photograph couples who have been separated. They are always so great for my camera… they need little coaxing to show some love! I am crossing my fingers the leaves will wait a little longer to fall so that we can fit in some more shoots before the trees become entirely bare!



I try to do a little research with my couples before engagement sessions to understand what backdrop will suit them best. After a few questions, I discovered that Josh & Jacqui spent childhood summers on a lake in NY. It’s a huge part of their love story. We didn’t have access to that lake, but did what we could ;]



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It was really windy {& cold}, so the dress shot was so natural. This is one of my favorites!

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We just got back from our “honeymoon” in Mexico this week! It was definiely the best vacation we’ve ever taken. I’ve got a lot of work to post, it’s been a very busy {but wonderful} month. I’m trying to finish my clients pictures then I’ll share a little about our trip. Have a happy weekend!

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  • Jacqui Winchell - October 16, 2009 - 9:09 am

    oh Andrea! I LOVE THEM!!!! I have tears in my eyes I’m so happy. Thank you so much for all you have done for us, I can’t wait to see the rest.

  • alli from hooray - October 17, 2009 - 1:27 pm

    Andrea, these photos are beautiful! I love the way your pictures tell stories.

  • Whitney - October 19, 2009 - 11:21 am

    Gorgeous pictures, as always!