Yesterday I had the honor of capturing Brandon & Taryn’s beautiful wedding.

    brandon and taryn

    Taryn is a cystic fibrosis fighter, and it’s been a gift to get to know her over the last month.
    We were able to squeeze in an engagement session the day before she went into the hospital to get strong for her wedding.
    She has inspired me & reminded me what a privilege it is to be a photographer.
    It was incredible to see all the people who love & support them surrounding them during the celebration yesterday,
    I’m so happy to have been part of their story. ♥

    Thanks to Caitlin, of Simply Photography, for donating her time & talent with me.


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    Woke up to a foggy morning for Kevin’s first day of second grade!

    Sharpening his pencils and packing his lunch last night made me secretly wish I could go with him.
    There was always something wonderful about starting a new school year with
    brand new crayons & pencils, fresh paper, a smiling teacher, and clean desks!
    I envy him a little.

    Our hearts were bursting with pride seeing him all ready to, looking so grown up.
    My second grade teacher was Mrs. Miller too, but another person, another city, another life. ♥

    iPhone 4 /// After all the commotion this morning, Sammy is already napping.

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    • Claudia MacPherson - August 19, 2013 - 7:37 pm

      There has always been something kinda magical for me on foggy mornings. Perhaps it was that there were few and far between where I grew up (southern CA). I love his little lunch box! I could see my town year old being super excited about having something like that!

    • Andrea - August 20, 2013 - 6:25 am

      It sounds like a beautiful place to grow up, I need to visit CA someday! We have short lived fog often in the early hours of fall moorings, because we live near a river. It’s always a beautiful drive to school for us (20 minutes away)! That lunch box was my favorite school supply, thank you for stopping by!

    I keep coming back to this image from Jeremy & Erin’s wedding.

    It captures all the wonder, love, excitement, and beauty of her dad helping her out of the vintage car so that
    she could walk down the aisle to become a wife.

    Another reason I keep coming back to it & feel so proud of it, is because it was captured by my assistant & sister, Abby.
    I love that she brings another perspective to our weddings & can capture moments like this. ♥

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    I’ve been wanting for some time to express how watching, “Bill Cunningham’s New York,” has influenced me. I watched it twice in a row because I was so captivated by his passion and humility. He is truly a remarkable soul and I’m so happy that I stumbled on his documentary on Netflix. I admired his sense to walk away from negativity & bloom creativity as a result of his purity. His sweet story has been fresh on my mind during this past month. Oh, and I unabashedly envy the way he rides around New York on a bicycle with his camera!

    I don’t feel I’ve taken nearly enough pictures this summer. Yet as I was getting ready to clear my phone’s memory card, I kept stumbling on image after image that highlighted the victories & peaks of July. I started pulling them aside & found myself collecting bits of my heart into this little gallery of iPhone moments that eclipse the defeats & lows.

    “It’s as true today as it ever was, he who seeks beauty will find it.” Bill Cunningham


    * The car was not moving, we had parked & he was still asleep.

    Thanks for letting me share these little glimpses of life with you, they are the twinkles of my favorite light. ♥

    All images captured on iPhone 4 // Edited in Afterlight App // Text by Over App

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    • Jake Johnson - August 6, 2013 - 3:22 am

      These are really great images, Andrea.

    • alli - August 6, 2013 - 7:59 am

      Beautiful! So many sweetly captured moments.

    Last summer we began to prepare for another deployment.
    This time Kevin completely understood the terms, and it was not easy for him to let Daddy go.
    Damian, thankfully, still had a cloak of naivety that shielded him from the pain his brother was going through.

    We tackled each day, one at a time. Until it felt less like tackling and more like living.
    After eight months, we began pacing the floor knowing that the hum of airplanes would soon belong to one of our own.

    It could not have been possible to thrive without the love and support of my family & my very dear friends,
    thank you all for the encouragement you have been to me.

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    I have a very similar picture of Kevin doing this {around Damian’s age} after Rocky’s 1st deployment.

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>
    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    This was a moment my dreams had been made of. I captured this one with my phone.

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>
    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    A Homecoming >>>

    The boys & I are so proud of the sacrifices Rocky has made over the last eight years in the Air Force & are so happy to have him home.

    The merry songs of freedom & boisterous patriotic speeches of my youth are replaced by a quiet reverence for our country’s freedom.
    As we celebrate Father’s Day, and soon, Independence Day, I hope we are inspired to remember
    the children & families of those who are currently serving & sacrificing for us all.

    Thank you. ♥

    My good friend, Caitlin of Simply Photography, captured the airport homecoming photographs for us.
    I really can’t thank her enough for being there & taking pictures for us! 

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    • alli - June 17, 2013 - 10:59 am

      I’m so glad your family is reunited again, these photos capture it so well!