Colorblind in July

I’ve been wanting for some time to express how watching, “Bill Cunningham’s New York,” has influenced me. I watched it twice in a row because I was so captivated by his passion and humility. He is truly a remarkable soul and I’m so happy that I stumbled on his documentary on Netflix. I admired his sense to walk away from negativity & bloom creativity as a result of his purity. His sweet story has been fresh on my mind during this past month. Oh, and I unabashedly envy the way he rides around New York on a bicycle with his camera!

I don’t feel I’ve taken nearly enough pictures this summer. Yet as I was getting ready to clear my phone’s memory card, I kept stumbling on image after image that highlighted the victories & peaks of July. I started pulling them aside & found myself collecting bits of my heart into this little gallery of iPhone moments that eclipse the defeats & lows.

“It’s as true today as it ever was, he who seeks beauty will find it.” Bill Cunningham


* The car was not moving, we had parked & he was still asleep.

Thanks for letting me share these little glimpses of life with you, they are the twinkles of my favorite light. ♥

All images captured on iPhone 4 // Edited in Afterlight App // Text by Over App

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  • Jake Johnson - August 6, 2013 - 3:22 am

    These are really great images, Andrea.

  • alli - August 6, 2013 - 7:59 am

    Beautiful! So many sweetly captured moments.

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