Do you ever have one of those nights where you are working very hard to make progress, but after an hour or so, you feel like the to-do list is even longer than when you started? That’s how it is for me tonight. It’s a little discouraging, but on the other hand, I feel so inspired. I am patiently trying to take care of lingering tasks, but my mind is racing a million miles a minute {and I haven’t even had coffee}. I keep thinking of so many improvements to make to my site, my blog, my stationery, my packaging, my brand… I couldn’t even finish this sentence without pausing to scribble down another idea. Let’s just say you will see some changes very soon.

    My husband laughs, but I am reading {and really enjoying} Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Sometimes my eyes get hungry to read something beyond a blog or the OMG blurbs from Yahoo {yes, I know I probably shouldn’t have admitted that I read that section religiously}. I love having a fresh book to carry with me while I entertain the fantasy that I will get stuck somewhere where I can spontaneously read five chapters. It rarely happens. I actually hope that the salon will keep me waiting for a minute, my hearts sinks a little bit when they call me back right away. I love getting lost in the tales & wit of a good storyteller. I admire the stamina it must take to write an entire book.

    Part of the reason I mention this is because I was a little dumbfounded when I read that there are actually travel agencies that offer an Eat, Pray, Love travel package. I just don’t understand the concept very well. While I am inspired, amused, and slightly jealous of Liz’s journey, I don’t feel it would be quite right to mimic her exact experiences in a tidy, convenient, one-stop-shop itinerary. I think it’s wonderful that her memoir has stirred an interest to visit new countries, but I feel like everyone is on a personal journey. It’s up to us to imagine where our steps will take us, not to just follow blindly where someone else has already paved the way.
    Maybe it’s just me, but I always loved the thrill of breaking my own path in fresh snow…

    So it’s a little ironic & slightly embarrassing to admit that sometimes I see other photographers or business owners and want to take a one way ticket to “wherever they figured out how to do that.” Seriously. I got to see the first half of Jasmine Star’s Creative Live Broadcast last week and was so inspired by her marketing genius and personal accomplishments. I definitely had a twinge of jealousy {ok, more like “pathetic & blatant green eyed monster”} surface.

    When we are watching {or reading about} others on a pedestal, it’s easy to forget the two legs that we are so fortunate to stand on.

    Before I can fully reconcile these ideas, I am interrupted twice by a little guy who has stolen my heart this summer. Eight week old Damian usually sleeps well at night, but I wonder if he is waking up to put my thoughts in perspective. I am grateful to be a mama & a wife. I know that this means that what some people may accomplish in one year will take me three or four… or {deep breath} never. But I’ve made peace with that. I know that I can not be everyone’s photographer. I refuse to wear myself too thin or stretch myself in so many projects that I lose substance & originality. I want to create artwork that is a true reflection of my unique point of view & imagination. If I become generic, then I would rather stay home.
    Because home, is a really good place to be. ♥

    ***It’s been great to take some time off for a “maternity leave,” but I’ve actually been quite busy. I’ve photographed four weddings before Damian was seven weeks old and made some very necessary upgrades to my website that will be published soon through Showit software… can’t wait!

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    • alli/hooray - September 1, 2010 - 10:29 am

      It’s so refreshing to see a new post from you in my Reader. Wishing you the best in accomplishing all of your goals (I can relate to how you feel, and I don’t even have kids yet!). I bet you are having a blast with your boys this summer.

    • Andrea - September 1, 2010 - 11:36 pm

      Thank you so much Alli, hopefully I can start posting more regularly! It’s nice to know that someone else can relate, even with having an military family & being married! I saw your post about Eat, Pray, Love… I can’t wait to see the movie & watch the video you posted of Elizabeth!

    • Jasmine* - September 2, 2010 - 8:37 pm

      Can’t wait to see your new website! 😉

    • Andrea - September 2, 2010 - 9:14 pm

      Thank you Jasmine! I am watching the Creative Live videos of the segments I missed… it has been so informative during Q & A’s, but I’ve learned so much just watching you work. Especially with how you work one on one during portraits. Thanks for having the guts to pioneer an online {real} learning experience!

    • Jill - September 6, 2010 - 9:37 am

      Wonderful post! Really spoke to me…

    This week Rocky left on his first TDY since his injury.
    I’ve spent over a year of the last five without him. These past two {short} days have triggered the independence that has been a staple of my sanity during his military career, but I’ve also been reflecting a lot about this incredible month and how this lovely new chapter started just a few weeks ago…

    The contractions started the evening of July 4th. They were mild, so we watched several episodes of “Last Comic Standing” On Demand until we both fell asleep. My husband lovingly put a gigantic fan in front of me so that I was able to rest in spite of the heat. The contractors had our dining & laundry room tore apart, so our air conditioning was not in service during the renovation. I woke up around four am and couldn’t go back to sleep. The contractions were stronger and steady. I tried to tough it out on my own, but it’s boring to be in labor alone in the wee hours of the morning. I knew that the sun would be coming and it would be a hot one. I resolved that I didn’t want to labor in my house without air conditioning. I woke Rocky up and explained that he needed to get some coffee. It was time to wake up. If there is one thing I’ve learned after {almost} six years of marriage… it is that Rocky is unable to talk or function until he has had at least one cup. Two would be optimal, but he must have at least have one. Trust me.

    My memories of getting ready to leave are all a sunny haze. I do remember attempting to make the bed & arrange the pillows in an orderly fashion. Our house was such a disaster construction site that I decided I must come home from the hospital to a clean bedroom. I had previously packed almost everything that I own, so after Rocky loaded it all into the Vue there was just enough room for the two of us to squeeze in. It’s always surreal for me to get in the car the last time before the baby is born. My brain tries to make the connection between the empty car seat and my gigantic tummy, but the two seem so strikingly unrelated.

    I was a little nervous about sitting in the car for the contractions. To my relief, they slowed down during the half hour drive to base. It was Monday morning, but I guess a lot of people were still on vacation the morning after Independence Day. It was unusually peaceful along the highway. He drove carefully and I relaxed. When we got to Wright Patt, it was also a bit of a ghost town. Sometimes you can drive in circles for several minutes trying to find a parking spot at the hospital, but thankfully, it was vacant.

    Before I could even get out of the car, I realized that my break was over. The contractions started coming strong & very close together. I could barely walk between them. Rocky went ahead of me to grab me a wheelchair. It felt silly to sit in it, but it made my journey upstairs much easier. Only a few short weeks before, he had been sitting in one when I picked him up from surgery in the very same atrium. The irony of our positions being reversed was not lost on me as I braced myself for another contraction.

    We finally made it to the triage area and after they had me lay down, the contractions slowed down again. I didn’t really mind. I rested & almost fell asleep. Since I was a four and wanted a natural birth, they recommended that I walk around the hospital for an hour. I liked being released from the annoying fetal monitors, but walking seemed ridiculous. That’s why I opted for the wheelchair, right?! I decided I would sulk in the lobby until my “time out” was over. SpongeBob was rambling nonsense from a large tv and it was hard to find my “zone.” Sitting was terribly uncomfortable. I was starting to feel like I was in a no win situation.
    Emphasis on the not winning part.

    Rock could tell I was struggling. He suggested we try to start walking.
    It sounded like a terrible idea.

    He promised we could go slow. He said he’d take me down the quietest hallways.
    I studied him.

    He was still wearing the black walking boot they’d upgraded him to after the cast. I joked that he looked like Iron Man in one leg, but wearing it was actually very taxing on him. He’d ice his foot regularly after work & regularly took advantage of his prescribed pain killers. Walking the scope of the hospital was probably the last thing he wanted to do too so newly recovering from tearing his Achilles tendon. But here he was, willing to take my hand & go with me. His eyes were sleepy but he had the same expression that I fell in love with seven years ago.

    What can I do to make you better? I will do anything to make you better.
    His lips were silent but his eyes were pleading for me to give him the slightest direction so he could serve me.

    I’ve trusted those big brown eyes for many years.
    Through many zip codes.
    Through many goodbyes.
    Through many battles.

    As I mustered up the energy to take my first step, a beautiful thing happened.

    Piano music gently cascaded from my iPod to my ears.
    As Regina Spektor started singing the lyrics to Samson, {one of my favorite songs of all time}, I took a glorious deep breath. It was just the coincidence I needed.
    You know the moment in, The Grinch, where his heart grows three sizes larger?
    Something to that effect happened to me.
    We could get through one more battle.
    Emphasis on the we.

    *** That walk was a good idea… here we are about halfway through. Damian was born about two hours later with no complications {I will spare all of my future parent readers any further details pertaining to his arrival}. I wish I could be one of those glamorous new moms. The kind who wear make up & brush their hair… but I always get woken up in the middle of night to start labor. By the time I get to the hospital, I just don’t care how I look {obviously}. The “Labor Playlist” I made on my iPod was easily the best pain management tool I had during my labor… I listened to Samson about nine times on repeat. Happy weekend loves ♥

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    • Ashley - August 9, 2010 - 8:49 am

      I love this… you write beautifully : ) And I am contemplating a natural birth whenever my time comes so it’s always good to hear a positive story pertaining to it. Thank goodness for Regina… the things she gets us through : )

    • jackie - August 9, 2010 - 8:58 am

      Andre you have a beautiful gift for writing, please don’t ever stop or take it for granted! I enjoyed every word as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. I could see your story come to life right in front of me!

    • Courtney - August 9, 2010 - 12:31 pm

      Such a beautiful and memorable story. I LOVE the pic. Congrats!!!!!

    • Sarah - August 12, 2010 - 7:00 am

      Your posts almost always make me cry. What a beautiful thing love is!

    • kimia - August 26, 2010 - 1:07 am

      you looked BEAUTIFUL.

    • […] little Damian turned one today. At 12:55 PM. You can read his birth story here & see some newborn pictures […]

    Please excuse the silence around here… the last three weeks have been a blissful beginning with our very new baby boy ♥

    Damian Achilles Dozier

    July 5, 2010 at 12:55 PM

    9 lbs 7 oz

    20 inches

    We spent most of my pregnancy uncertain of what to name him. After Rocky’s surgery to repair his Achilles tendon, it was unanimous between the two of us to make his middle name Achilles. We each had a first name chosen, but Rock’s was much more fitting with that middle name. I love that his initials are D.A.D.

    I had Damian at the Wright Patterson Medical Center {where Rocky works}. They’ve just finished remodeling the Family Birthing Center a few weeks before Damian was born. I was so impressed with my midwife & nurses. Everyone was so encouraging and kind, it was a very special experience. They also provided this beautiful baby blanket & knit hat {that I will keep forever}!

    Rocky was supposed to be deployed to Kuwait right now, but his injury made him ineligible to go. Every time I smell his cologne on Damian, I’m reminded of how blessed we are to have him here to meet Damian right from the beginning. Seeing them together is pure euphoria for me.

    Remind me, the next time I’m beating myself up about what I need to accomplish in life… that nothing could ever top bringing two incredible little men into the world.

    Damian looks a lot like his four year old brother Kevin. Adding another son to our little family is like being taken back to the best time of your life and someone replaying the lovely memories all over again like a beautiful song…Â and this time it’s even better because you have more partners to dance with.

    Thank you for all the well wishes, support, and patience. I’ve taken my sweet time enjoying every moment ♥

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    • alli/hooray - July 28, 2010 - 4:59 am

      Hi Andrea! He is a beautiful baby boy. I’m so happy for your family, and that all of you can be together to enjoy your new addition! Hope YOU are doing well, too!

    • Dognbird - July 28, 2010 - 8:09 am

      Damian is beautiful, congratulations!!!

    • Sarah Birt - July 28, 2010 - 8:27 am

      He is beautiful Andrea! Having two is just a GREATER joy! Congrats to you and Rocky! Your boys are amazing!

    • Drea - July 31, 2010 - 5:38 am

      Oh my gosh he is sooo sweet!! you look beautiful to Andrea 🙂 btw nice tomeet another photographer name Andrea, I go by Drea most times tho. And we’re both brunettes 🙂

    • Sara Bliss - July 31, 2010 - 12:17 pm

      Oh my! He is absolutely beautiful!! The lighting is to die for and you look incredible too! So happy for you that your hubby was able to be there too.

    • […] My little Damian turned one today. At 12:55 PM. You can read his birth story here & see some newborn pictures here. […]

    • […] the 5th? Maybe it would be a good time to do his first Greek themed party, since his middle name is Achilles & his dad loves Spartacus. Is it too early for Thomas? He’s kind of into playing with his […]

    I have about nine minutes left of my due date. Looks like he’ll be a little late.

    All day I’ve been a little on edge, very distracted. I have been constantly asking myself why I am so disappointed that this little man hasn’t arrived yet. I should know from experience that it will be soon enough. Still, I find myself restless. Anxious. Grumpy. Impatient. READY.

    Earlier this evening I was in the kitchen prepping eggplant parmesan for dinner and I happened to look up and saw Rock & Kevin in the backyard rearranging flowers. Something about seeing them together so content in the golden evening light instantly assured me that I have everything to be thankful for. Every time I see a beautiful moment between them, I just feel gratitude because it wasn’t “supposed” to happen. I ask myself why I have the audacity to say that this baby is “supposed” to be here, when really… there are aspects of our life that I can not take control of or credit for. Even if I wanted to.

    All at once I felt relief and peace that I need to quit trying to micromanage fate.

    It’s amazing what that little scene has done for my attitude, I hope that I can continue to be patient. Since there is very little time left in my pregnancy, I have been trying to reflect on some of the more positive aspects of the experience. Here are my top ten:

    10. The excuse to eat what I want, when I want. Oh how I will miss this…

    9. All the random smiles and well wishes from strangers {that mostly came before I started scaring people with my hugeness}.

    8. The Expectant Mother parking space at the commissary & hospital {especially finding them open during a busy day}.

    7. The nurses at my perinatal appointments, they’ve been really kind.

    6. My weekly update about the baby inside me. It’s an e-mail I always look forward to.

    5. Shopping for baby. I know I can shop after he’s born, but it’s so fun to imagine what he’ll look like. Part of the fun is just not knowing for sure & daydreaming about him while we’re out. Plus, newborn clothes are so tiny compared to the 5Ts that Kevin wears!

    4. Blaming everything on pregnancy hormones.

    3. Listening to Kevin talk about his baby “brudder.” Soon he’ll start calling him by name or he’ll figure out how to say “brother” properly, but I love hearing his reaction to this process. He has toys and books set aside that he can’t wait to show the baby.

    2. The baby kicking my camera when it’s around my neck. I felt like I had this little friend with me at weddings & shoots before some people knew I was pregnant. I didn’t carry a camera around my neck when I was pregnant with Kevin, so it was something unique to this little man. I will miss his movements, it’s just an amazing part of pregnancy!

    1. Shaved Ice. I can’t say I really craved anything the first pregnancy. This time {among many other things}, I’m obsessed with ice! I bought this little manual snow cone maker from Target and I just wish I had done it sooner! Seriously. If it is always summer in Heaven, then I am convinced God will provide endless snow cones. All of my beautiful pregnant friends- this is definitely the perfect accessory for your kitchen this summer! I love them plain, something about the melt in your mouth texture is the perfect cool down fix. Occasionally I add Cotton Candy flavored syrup and it reminds me of pooling together enough change to walk up to the Sno Shak when we were kids. Speaking of, if you have kids, they will LOVE you for having one. ♥

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    • Vania -SimplyBloom Photography, INC - June 29, 2010 - 11:12 am

      what a quirky and sweet post this was. also I love that you have an obsession with ice! it’s funny and seems a lot healthier than many other choices 😉
      I can’t wait to see the little one !! 😀

    • Vania -SimplyBloom Photography, INC - June 29, 2010 - 11:12 am

      PS: you look so beautiful!

    • B. Ruff - June 30, 2010 - 10:53 am

      the one thing i know for sure is that you are absolutely beautiful…

      i love and miss you!!

    • michele dyson - July 7, 2010 - 12:42 am

      What a delightful blog you have… your style and your stories, your processing – and my gosh, you are stunning; fabulous belly – best wishes with your new little man:)

    Mike & Libby met in college and are planning an October wedding in Columbus at the Franklin Park Conservatory. I’m so glad we were able to squeeze in an engagement session before they moved to California & I had this baby! As I was getting closer to meeting them off North High Street, I was mesmerized by the adorable shops & atmosphere of what I now know is the Short North Arts District. I drove a little slower to take in the restaurants, shops, & pedestrians roaming casually. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad that we don’t have anything like this here in Dayton!

    Libby & Mike suggested doing some photographs at Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream. Even if I weren’t nine months pregnant I’d still be impressed by their unusual {yummy} flavors, kind service, and cute decor. But since I am, I was in heaven eating my Salty Caramel & Meyer Lemon Blueberry scoops! Check out Jeni’s website for locations & more details:

    We began shooting with steady sunshine and warm temperatures. By the end of it, there was sideways rain & tornado sirens so we abruptly wrapped everything up! Although I left as quickly as possible, I will definitely need to come back with Rocky sometime. I highly recommend this location and it’s possibilities to all my Columbus brides for engagement shoots or even a picture stop during the wedding day.

    Libby & Mike, I wish you all the best as you settle in to California. Can’t wait to shoot your wedding this fall ♥

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