Kevin Turned Seven | Star Wars Style

The other day, my almost seven year old, Kevin, surprised me with a question.
“So mom, did your life turn out how you planned it to?”

I asked him to repeat himself a few times because I was stammering to answer my restless philosophical twin.
Of course, what I dreamed as a girl does seem very abstract compared to what it’s like to have my own little boys.
They are exactly what I hoped for as well as the cosmic force that blindsided me at first cry. Twice.

I wanted baby scented dolls.
Instead my heart has been threaded and sewn into a primal devotion
that will never know any man made condition or exception.

It scares, saves, humbles, motivates, exhausts, and empowers me.

I’m not sure what I said to answer him.
He cut short my rambling by pinching me for not wearing green.
He said nail polish doesn’t count.

Love that kid.

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\
Kevin turned Seven on Saturday.

We plan to celebrate his birthday later this spring when all of our family can be in town together,
but we still wanted him to feel special on his actual birthday.
Enlisting the help of family, we had a small dinner with a Star Wars theme.
He’s been obsessed with Jabba the Hutt this year and all Star Wars Lego sets.

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Jabba the Hutt Cake \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\
Kevin was able to Skype with Daddy first thing in the morning. Love how excited he was to do it.
Kevin Turns Seven | Star Wars Style

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\
Kevin Turns Seve | Star Wars Style
After I covered the cake with the crumb coating, I realized I loved the texture… and left it alone.
Perfect for Mr. Hutt.
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Jabba the Hutt Cake \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Jabba the Hutt Cake \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Jabba the Hutt Cake \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Jabba the Hutt Cake \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Jabba the Hutt Cake \\\

My mother-in-law treated us to “Yoda Soda,” something she found on Pinterest.
She made ours with a scoop of lime sherbet & Sprite.

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Yoda Soda \\\

My sister-in-law found really cute Star Wars favors and decorated for us.
Kevin wanted to be “Lego Dude General.”

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Star Wars Party Favors \\\
She also thought to use these Star Wars Easter Egg as favors. They were perfect!
Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ Star Wars Darth Vader Easter Eggs \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\
A very kind person who works with my husband sent a box of Star Wars figurines for Kevin.
We will treasure them, thank you!

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\

My mother-in-law also found a cute DIY on Pinterest for making Pool Noodle Light Sabers.
They were a huge hit for the boys. Especially on the snowy day after the party!

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ DIY Pool Noodle Light Sabers \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ DIY Light Sabers with Pool Noodles \\\

Star Wars Party >>>

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\ DIY Pool Noodle Light Sabers \\\

Star Wars BIrthday Party \\\
The day of Kevin’s birthday was chaotic, fun, and fast paced day so I just took iPhone pictures.
I took advantage of the quiet Sunday {with Damian napping} to photograph many of the details I posted.
Kevin and I were almost finished and he wanted me to get a picture of him “using the force,” on a balloon.

It was tricky!

I thought that a little gif {made it on an app called Gif Boom} would be perfect for our attempts…

Today is a snow day & closed school.
I think these two will find plenty to do to keep me on my toes.

Thanks for following along with us, it’s hard to believe that when I started this blog Kevin was three! ♥

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  • Justine - March 25, 2013 - 7:35 am

    What a sweet party! Simple and rad. He’s a lucky man. Hope I see you soon. =)

  • Andrea - March 25, 2013 - 8:56 am

    Thanks Justine! My mother-in-law and sister-in-law had all the cool ideas, I just got to enjoy the whirlwind with the kids! Can you tell I LOVED your gold balloons?! 😀

  • […] at I’m Topsy Turvy created. Also scope out wedding photographer Andrea Dozier’s hilarious Jabba the Hutt cake, which made me laugh out loud when I first saw it. (Top your cake with a Pop! Star Wars: Jabba the […]

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