Happy 65 Year Anniversary!

Today my grandparents are celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary! ♥

vintage wedding party_andreadozier.com
An image from their honeymoon in Atlantic City!

Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name” -Avett Brothers ♥

I love everything about these precious photographs & wish I were lucky enough to have more of a glimpse of such a beautiful time in history.
My Grandpa, John Bell, is a World War II Navy veteran and my Grandma, Kathleen, had eight children {seven of them boys bless her heart}.
I love that they are the original “vintage wedding” couple and leave us such a rich legacy of love.
Always loved how they both set to work in the kitchen together & make the world’s most amazing spaghetti & meatballs {that I now make for my family}.
Grandma always has a pot of coffee warm for my dad & homemade waffles that make the house smell of anise.
It wasn’t until I grew up that I even began to realize what a treasure it is to know people like them.

This weekend will be spent photographing a much anticipated Toledo wedding & then celebrating my grandparents milestone anniversary with my huge family!

{How lovely are the kids in their wedding party? And Grandma’s dress… sigh.}

* I was able to find these images on my Uncle Dan’s website. Thanks!



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  • Alli - June 14, 2012 - 7:49 pm

    Oh wow, congrats to them! Q’s grandparents celebrated their 65th as well last month – it’s an amazing thing to see.

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