Feb Photo A Day #2 Words

 Some of my blogging & Instagram friends are participating in Feb Photo A Day so I joined in too! I’ll post some of the pictures here, but all of them on Instagram {andreadozier}.
The prompt for #Day 2? WORDSThis is a little peek at the wall to my left when I’m at the computer in my home office {where I edit wedding photography, blog, email…}. It’s good to remember this. ♥


Tad Carpenter was the designer & he sells these sweet
“What I Love Most About My Home is Who I Share it With” prints here.
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  • write in tights - February 26, 2012 - 4:24 pm

    Aw, I love that! Thanks for sharing. It's hard to stop and remember that on busy days. What a lovely point. <3

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