Christmas 2011

I can not believe that January is almost over. Before the calendar turns, I wanted to squeeze in a few holiday posts {I hope you don’t mind}. Ever since I wrote this post, I’ve been really trying to make time everyday to “carve” {photograph} my “blessings…” so that I don’t forget how much they mean to me. Even seeing these pictures together here reminds me why I find photography so incredible. I never want to forget the slightest piece of any of this.

You can read the story from these first pictures on my personal blog, “Sweet Threads.”

Kevin looking up activities on my iPad on Pinterest.
Made this ornament from leftover pieces from last year’s winter inspiration shoot.
On Christmas Eve I woke up to the boys using my shoes & pillows for Angry Bird scenes. Birds were flying. It was awesome.
The first picture on the left is from Christmas Eve 2011, the one on the right is from 2010. Damian has grown so much… too much.
Rocky & I started a little tradition where Rock dresses up as Santa & rings bells outside of Kevin’s window on Christmas Eve. We go outside & check it out, just missing “Santa.” Kevin paused just long enough to give me an obligatory smile before dashing outside. The next picture was his reaction to the cookies & milk being gone Christmas morning.

Hiding behind the kids who are ready to drive up to Grandma’s in Findlay. This year I have a lot of work to do to finally loose the “baby weight” {I pretend it’s still from Damian}. I would love to fit into my jeans again. {Inspiration & advice welcome!}

I took these pictures for Christmas cards {that I never mailed}. Some of you might get a hello & Christmas greeting from us in February.
The sky on Christmas day from the passenger seat… so clear & pretty. A little peek of my office. The rest was a mess during at this time.
In my next post I want to share about a brand new tradition we started & what it looked like 🙂

Thank you for letting me show you my little family album! I promise February will be filled with a special Valentine DIY & romantic weddings! ♥

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  • Jaclyn - January 29, 2012 - 7:36 pm

    Looovveee your red shoes…and i can’t believe how big your little men are getting! makes me sad…:(

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