I keep starting this post over.
There should be some pretty way to eloquently sum up the fascination of marriage & love, but my allergies have left my mind at a loss for a single polished thought.
This week was full of huge milestones for me.
I turned 28.
I had my 7th wedding anniversary.
This baby blog turned 2.
To quote one of my very first posts, “The kindest thing I ever did to myself was get married the day after my birthday.” The closer I get to thirty older I get, the more I appreciate that the focus isn’t on how many candles are on my cake (or where to find so many), but the years Rocky & I have been so fortunate to share together. The life we’ve built. The boys we’ve created. We were always two old souls & even though we married young, it suited us.
My only regret is that I didn’t realize the last seven years would slip by so quickly.
The last two have been especially brief.
When this blog was created, I was an apron clad wife baking elaborate dinners & decorating pretty cakes in my free time. As I became more fluent in the art of photography, that apron began collecting dust. Perhaps I can work on balancing it all a little better this year, especially for the sake of my dear husband {who has become quite adept at cooking for us}. He is a patient man. He definitely deserves a hot meal every once in a while.
This diary started as a way of sharing my images & stories with my friends & family. When I look back I feel a mixture of pride & sympathy toward my earlier work. I wear my posts like tattoos, that are public for the viewing & judging. I include my pictures and hope they mean something to the people I take them for. This little online journal is home to sweet stories & sometimes very honest confessions. It always waits patiently for me to come back & allows me a canvas to hang my art.
Thanks for being such a very big part of it. ♥

Now it’s time for me to work on my emails. This week has not been my finest hour, thanks for your patience!
*Yes, I love Green Day. “Wake Me Up When September Ends” has particular sentiment since Rocky left for a deployment in September of 08.
**Tonight though, my new favorite song is Willie Nelson’s cover of Coldplay’s “The Scientist” from the new Chipotle ad.
You can listen to the whole version on Spotify for free!
***My first tattoo was a “safe” one, I’d love to do something classic but more ambitious for the next round. I am in love with the look of painterly tattoos.
You can see all my inspiration on my Pinterest board.
Happy Birthday and Anniversary Andrea! I wish we could have met while we lived in Dayton – we have so much in common! Photography, cake decorating and my birthday is two days before my anniversary! Although I have to admit I am a bit older 😉 We moved to Mtn. Home AFB this summer so if you ever are here (I don’t wish it on you) look me up!
Andrea, your blog and your writing is so beautiful, and you never fail to inspire. Happy birthday, anniversary, AND blog-iversary!
Jill, I would have loved that! I didn’t know that you had a birthday before your anniversary too! I hope you all are getting settled ok up there, I’m glad we can keep in touch! 😀 Alli, thank you so much! I’m so happy we met on here & have been able to work together on some amazing projects! I feel so excited for you & all the ways your creativity is being shared with the world!
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