Here is a little preview of a post I’m working on about my little trip to Indiana this week. PASS is a new way of sharing wedding images digitally to clients that I am really excited about (brought to you by Showit drag & drop website builder mastermind, David Jay). As a bonus, designer Promise Tangemen, wedding photographers Zach & Jody Gray, & designer/photographer Kevin Swan also gave insightful talks. It came at a really good time for me & I loved that I was able to feed the designer & photographer inside of me. Since I used to be a graphic designer, I have done 100% of my own branding, website, logo, & design. It’s challenging to play both roles but so rewarding to feel that I’ve left my own fingerprints on every aspect of my work. Now I’m inspired, excited, & ready to see how what I’ve learned translates to my own wedding photography business.

I have a wedding today (Saturday) but plan on being downtown at Riverscape for fireworks Sunday night! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend celebrating such a splendid holiday! I can’t wait to light some sparklers with my boys & I hope I can get my hands on some fresh sweet corn! ♥
{Although having braces as a teenager made me a life-long cut the corn off the cob kind of girl}.
Very much looking forward to your thoughts on PASS. 🙂 Have a great weekend!
[…] started this weekend with a trip to Indiana for a photography workshop, then a beautiful wedding Saturday, downtown fireworks Sunday, and now a […]