When I met Rock’s family, Emily was just a little girl. I guess I didn’t realize how quickly a ten year old grows up into a senior! She has a vibrant, bubbly personality & the confidence I was always looking for as a teenager. I love that she was so enthusiastic & willing to let me take the time to find creative angles. She already had traditional portraits taken with a local studio, so she gave me free reign to photograph her artistically. Trust & time are two ingredients that, if I am given, I will use carefully to create artwork that captures the very best of the moment.
All photographs were taken at Wegerzyn Gardens, a Dayton Metropark where Rocky & I were married. It is such a special place to me 😉
It was a beautiful, sun drenched evening in the midst of grey cold spring. The breeze would cooperate at just the right moments…

To say she is beautiful feels like such an understatement.

It reminded me of Mexico & what I love so much about my heritage.

This session shows why I love to start photographing about two hours before sunset… it is my favorite kind of light.

Emily’s enthusiasm to graduate & move on to college is so obvious… her happiness at this time in her life made her radiant. I am excited that she’ll be joining my baby sister, Abby, {whose senior portraits I’ll be sharing soon} at the same college & they will will both be close to where my parents live.
She’s not getting away from us one bit!
My husband just returned from a week long trip to New York, we are excited to have him home just in time for Easter!
Hope your weekend is filled with lots of family & love! ♥
You are an amazing photographer! Love the lighting in these 🙂
stunning Andrea!!
Beautiful! I love the lighting and Emily is gorgeous! Those eyes!!