Canvas Jumping

Winter lingers a little longer where we’re from. I see current photographs of blooming trees, bright colors, & gorgeous sunlight in various places across the world. I can’t help but feel envious since we are bracing for more cold days & barren landscapes. In some ways, I’ve never been patient. I’ll never grow out of being anxious for Christmas or Spring. It’s in my blood.

A few months ago I had a conversation with my four year old son, Kevin. While having a morning snack he looked at a canvas of himself hanging in our living room.

I want to jump inside that picture,” he told me. “I want to bring you, and Damian, and Daddy,” he said with a wistful smile.

I looked at the picture he referenced. We used to take daily walks on a bike path near our old house. There was a small field we passed & the day I brought my camera {and a cute outfit} it started to rain. I still managed to capture a few images of three year old Kevin before we made a run for home sloshing in the puddles.

Unknowingly he summed up the potential power that photographs have. He reminded me why pictures are taken.


I capture the soul of a moment so that even the subject is jealous of the experience.

I capture images that record a history, so that the ones who were not there are able to relive the event.


This past year, with a deployment looming, an emotional pregnancy, Rock’s Achilles injury, a new {old} home, a new baby…
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at the small canvas of Rocky & I on our wedding day and wanted to visit that simple, splendid moment.
To visit the innocence of our beginning.
To remember why we have everything to fight for when it feels like the universe plots against us.
To feel thankful for all we have & all we have continued to build together.

Going back to where we’ve been helps us to embrace what will come.
I will admit that I have done a good share of canvas jumping. I am a stronger, happier, woman for it.


This past week was Kevin’s birthday, he is now five. I finally made some prints from our session with his Easter outfit. They hang above our couch with the DIY doily covered pillows {thanks mom}. The one where he holds my hand is in my please remodel me office. I like to look at it while I work & remember how nice it is when he lets me hold his hand. Looking at this picture makes me forget how much I can’t stand the wallpaper residue from the previous owners. Kind of.

Once the weather warms up I can’t wait to freshen up the office & make it feel more like home. You can see some of my inspiration on my Pinterest boards here.

We celebrated Kevin’s birthday this week, it was a good time for my little family. I will share some of the fun soon. ♥






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  • Brancoprata - March 29, 2011 - 12:04 pm

    Kevin is adorable!!And the studio looks very cozy 😉

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