Category Archives: Wedding

My favorite moments of a wedding day are the ones that aren’t on the timeline.



Taking in the moment.

The sweetness of anticipation.

The wedding I am putting together for the next post was breathtaking. The Chanler Inn is divine & I felt awed by the beauty of such a historic landmark. Being at this European-styled boutique hotel was incredibly inspiring. It gave this modern wedding a vintage feeling & was the perfect backdrop for artistic photographs. I didn’t stay long in Newport, Rhode Island this summer, but I came back with a beautiful collection of images to share {including a sunrise day after session on the beach}!

Stay tuned ♥

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Today was the kind of day we needed:

A {planned} two hour delay for Kevin.
Tim Horton’s for breakfast.
Gas that was cheaper than the advertised price.
A cheerful Damian.
A tidy little house & clean sheets…
and freshly sharpened pencils.


If that wasn’t enough, I received the pictures from Erin & Pete’s vintage wedding featured in The Knot Ohio’s Spring/Summer 2012 issue! I’m really honored to have their wedding included as a real wedding, but they put together a beautiful & very special event!

Now if only dinner were already finished ♥


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  • Michelle March - January 25, 2012 - 7:51 pm

    Congrats!! This is wonderful! 🙂

  • Emily A. - January 25, 2012 - 9:39 pm

    Wow! That’s so exciting! 🙂

  • Mary - January 26, 2012 - 6:15 am

    Very Proud of you..and for you!

  • Andrea - February 1, 2012 - 10:10 am

    Thank you all! My bride had worked so hard on this wedding but was so very very sweet… I’m glad they picked her!

Today’s wedding from Dayton, Ohio was a very classic, elegant event. You might remember Abby & Brett from their garden engagement session that was featured on Green Wedding Shoes. Abby emulated vintage taste & also added playful elements that made it perfectly suited for her. I loved her classic updo & glittering gold flats {super comfy, right?}. Abby’s bouquet was wrapped with vintage lace from her mother’s wedding gown. Her Grandma sewed the gown for her mother and saved the extra lace. So Abby & her older sister have both used this beautiful lace to wrap their own wedding bouquets. I love personal touches like that.

Emily & Abby are good friends and were in each others’ weddings in the same month 🙂

 Miami Vally Golf Club
Wedding Dress Wendy’s Bridal
Jewelry Swaroski crystal earrings
Makeup Leslie Randall {Facebook @ Ruby’s Traveling Beauty Show}
Hair Brenda Chapman
Shoes Steve Maddon
Bridesmaid Attire Carrie Karibu
Hairpieces birdcage with rhinestones
Groom Suit tan 3 piece from Barclay’s in Piqua
Tie & Cufflinks Tie from Macy’s
Shoes & Belt Barclay’s
Floral Design Oberer’s Florist
Invitations The Envelope
Cake Rinaldo’s Bakery
DJ & MC/Music All the Right Tunes
Catering Miami Valley Golf Club
Cake Balls from Laney Baldwin
Officiant Pastor Marie Smith


Thanks for having me along, I really enjoyed your wedding & your family! It’s been wonderful to get to know you & your sisters better,
and I’m so glad we realized we are pretty much neighbors! All the best to you all! ♥

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I am now convinced that it might be January after all… we finally had some snow today! My little guys were slightly mesmerized by the effect of being inside a snow globe. It was beautiful to watch the rain turn into such white goodness.

July heat seems so far away, but I’m sending you some warmth with this lovely pink & charcoal wedding! Emily has a fondness for elephants + the color pink, and I love how she incorporated the two into little tidbits of her wedding. The ballroom affair was still elegant & classy, but fit her perfectly! The first picture is a little pink elephant tattoo she made for herself & her bridesmaids. Nothing like a little {temporary} tattoo to get everyone in the mood to stand with their best friend getting hitched!

Right before their first look, Justin & Emily were both a little nervous {quite understandably so}. When they saw each other, they were instantly transformed into the happiest couple on earth. Really, see for yourself! Their smiles lasted well into the night…

Emily’s beautiful bridesmaids wrote her a song to the tune of Bruno Mars “Just The Way You Are.” They received a standing ovation from Justin.

Justin’s aunt {below} works with Emily & is the one who introduced them! Emily assembled the centerpieces using silver plates and candle holders. Then she topped them with small cakes that were served after dinner. Genius!

Their wedding reception venue was the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Dayton, Ohio and some of their bridal portraits were taken at The Dayton Art Institute.

Justin & Emily, thank you so much for asking me to be part of your wedding! I really enjoyed it and just looking at this little glimpse I’m reminded of how much love I felt by everyone supporting you that day. Thank you for putting up with the July heat in order to do portraits at the Dayton Art Institute, it was a hot one! My favorite part, was just watching your parents excitement for the two of you. Especially during the dances, it was pure joy. I always think of my little boys when I see the mama dancing with her son… it’s just a very beautiful moment for me to witness again & again. Thank you, I wish you all the best! ♥

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I hope you all enjoyed the holidays & had a wonderful welcome to 2012!

This first post is pretty close to my heart, since it’s the bridal pictures for my sister’s wedding from Valentine’s Day of 2011.
{Oh, did someone just throw the “Rotten Blogger Award” to me? Making that a 2012 resolution…!}

Their story is worth sharing & I really hope it brings a smile to your face the way it does to me when I see this beautiful family…

Rachel & DeWayne married in 2000. {I know this might sound confusing, just keep reading}. I was her bridesmaid & sang a Jaci Velasquez song & {happily} cried my way through her ceremony… as all good sisters should. They were young, madly in love, & excited to share their lives together. Many changes took place over the next few years, including a move across the country & welcoming three lovely kiddos into their family. The road ahead of them had some devastating twists & turns, including the loss of DeWayne’s beautiful mom to breast cancer. After a very difficult period, they made a very hard decision to separate & proceeded with a divorce.

I know that’s not a word you usually see in a wedding blog and I’ll be delicate with their very personal details. Anyone who has been through a divorce, or is close to someone going through one, knows that the pain is excruciating. I truly wish there were as many resources dedicated to inspiring couples to work through life together as there were sites inspiring them to use mason jars as their centerpieces. I think so many of us could use that kind of refreshing encouragement & hope. Perhaps you may see more of that around here this year…

Back to my sister & her story.

The papers made the divorce final, but their story was far from the end.

Although they were living hundreds of miles apart, a visit over Christmas brought a change in their hearts & they began to carefully reconnect.
“Reconnecting” eventually led to another engagement & wedding!

It was truly a red letter day to see this family sewn back together. You can see it in the faces of each of their three children in their wedding portraits. They had a simple, very heartfelt wedding ceremony to re-marry on Valentine’s Day. It was such an honor for me to capture this special time in their lives. I love that these pictures show so much warmth & love, even during a very cold Ohio February…

Venue: The Patterson Homestead in Dayton, Ohio {you may recognize it from this post last year}

Remember, these kiddos had just recently saw the miracle of their parents coming back together. It was better than Christmas.

Rachel & DeWayne, I love you both! Thank you for being so trusting & allowing me to give you advice on every aspect of setting up this shoot!
I’m so happy for your family!

Hope you enjoy this poster I made especially for them:

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson ♥

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  • Briana - January 10, 2012 - 9:15 am

    Beautiful images! 🙂 Do you read A Practical Wedding ( I found it so helpful when planning my own wedding, and I feel like it is just a wonderful resource. They discuss so many of those “working through life” issues you mentioned that so many other wedding blogs ignore.

  • Rachel Riouse - January 10, 2012 - 6:35 pm

    Andrea, this was beautifully written! The story isn’t perfect, but each day, we learn the meaning of for better or for worse, and we do our best as people to allow God to continue to change us to be more like He created us to be, and less like life’s struggles and bitter places…Thank you so much for capturing this special time for us so beautifully:)