Category Archives: Little Luxuries

We’ve had a nice snowfall around here that makes it a cozy environment to design & update my sites. I have been doing some organizational tasks & small updates, but the big “flashy” changes {no pun intended} are yet to come. I redesigned the header here, something that really should have been done months ago. It’s not complete, but it works temporarily ;]

It seems every time my husband Rocky takes a trip for work, one of us ends up sick. This time Kevin & I are both taking turns. It’s my turn. Bundling up with my ballet slippers & hot tea while I work has made everything much more comfortable. I love that we went with greys & purples for my “studio,” so calming… if I wasn’t working on my sites I would definitely be reading on a day like today.

It’s no secret that purple is one of my favorite colors & Target is one of my favorite stores. The other day I found a coveted purple maternity rain coat {perfect for this spring when I will need all things “maternity” size} on sale for $11! That is why I can never walk out of that store without checking everything.

I hope the new year & going back to school, work, life has been a good adjustment for everyone… It was nice to take a break, but getting back into a routine just feels good too. I will keep you posted on all the new changes coming!

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  • Brianne - January 8, 2010 - 5:38 pm

    That is a beautiful coat!