Tag Archives: letter to myself

Little Andrea, It’s ok to wear cardigans and use words like “enamored.” Someday you’ll miss roller skating in your cement basement & shaking the backyard apple blossoms with your brother. The teddy bear comforter that matched the one on Full House will feel like a foreign object from another life. You’ll grow out of that […]

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  • emma - February 15, 2013 - 10:40 am

    your website is inspiring i looked at it firstly because my husband is away for four weeks and my four children just got foot and mouth all at the same time and i was looking for remedies to soother their blisters we just moved to thailand for my health i have had 12 operations on aistralia in the last 4 years to no avail and for some reason found that i didnt need nearly as much morphine to cope whilst here your blog has made me homesick you website the look of it reminded me of all the time i tiik to make my home have the same feel your site does i miss all those pretty little things and life since we got here has been so stressful i miss my focus being on capturing but most importantly making the memories you document maybe i will make a site to record this journey of ours not very good at compuiter things but i will try please feel free to contact me back it is a bit lonely over here and for me style and function of things is what makes life that more precious but there isnt much of that in thailand i even had a shop in aistralia full of handmade things for everywhere in your house to just add some wonder i would love to hear from you if you have time

  • Jaclyn - February 15, 2013 - 4:07 pm

    Awww….i’ve been trying to tell you this for a while (loving yourself, that is)! i needed this today….and thanks for letting me know about the free books!! i lost my charger, though…but as soon as i find it, i will start reading it 🙂

  • Katie Swift - February 16, 2013 - 7:00 am

    I love this. It’s amazing how much we grow after we have children and realize that our childhood is truly over. Bittersweet but you definitely made it sweet in your post!

  • Andrea - February 26, 2013 - 10:17 pm

    Emma, wow thank you! I’m so glad you feel that way about coming “here,” but I’m so sorry you’ve had your hands really full lately! I hope they recover soon! You should definitely try to capture some memories, because clearly they are unique! It is hard to balance enjoying the moment with children & sharing it. I’m constantly trying to get better at it! Thanks so much for letting me know you were here & saying hi! Hope you are getting settled & feeling at home soon!

  • Andrea - February 26, 2013 - 10:18 pm

    Jaclyn, glad it was encouraging for you! Love her books, I’ll be sad to finish them all {including other works of fiction}!

  • Andrea - February 26, 2013 - 10:21 pm

    Katie, thank you! I completely agree about pondering these things after we have children and realize they are not babies anymore than we are! Believe me, I could write a book about the bitter parts. It was honestly hard to refrain from nit picking & releasing everything I regret. But that’s not really very productive & I really do try to see life for what it is… then take the good from it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have even got over the frustration of having flat feet. Ha.