Easter With My Lovelies

As a young girl I always looked forward to getting a new outfit for Easter, my basket of candy, & taking pictures with my family. Everyone else always hated wearing their church clothes so long, but I loved it. Growing up with so many brothers & sisters ensured that I was just as comfortable playing wiffle ball in a field as I was wearing dresses & medias  {what my mom called “tights”. Sadly, that’s the extent of my Spanish vocabulary}.

We spent Easter with my family & Rocky made it home from his trip in the early hours of Easter morning to join us in Findlay.

I love children’s books and collecting them {not hoarding} is something I have a weakness for. I can not take any credit for teaching Kevin to read {his amazing school & teacher have that honor} but I do hope that I pass along my pure fascination for stories & illustrations. I love nothing more than a beautiful book or an intriguing story… and especially Beatrix Potter tales at Easter!

Staying up to see Rocky on Easter Eve put a little twist on our day, so the boys didn’t get their baskets until sunset.
Kevin asked why they didn’t get them in the morning & I had to explain that sometimes our family does things out of order. 🙂

Abby & I laughed when we saw each others’ inadvertent matching dresses {we are missing my oldest sister in this picture}.
My parents and all of my brothers.
Fresh naps & happy to be together again.
My handsome little mans {partners in crime}.

It wouldn’t be fitting today if I didn’t wish my mother-in-law, Mary, a very happy 50th Birthday!
The boys both picked up a infection from the festivities & we are keeping close to home so that we don’t spread this very contagious virus.
Rock’s mom brought us some groceries this morning & saved the day! Can’t wait until the boys feel better & we can celebrate with everyone!
Here she is with Damian at Kevin’s birthday party. ♥

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  • Mary - April 16, 2012 - 5:45 pm

    Beautiful as always!
    Wishing the boys a speedy recovery!
    And Thank you for the Birthday wishes!

  • Andrea - April 21, 2012 - 7:38 am

    Thank you & you are most welcome! We’ll need to re-celebrate when Rocky gets home!

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