I’m in love with your honor.

Yesterday I wrote a little something to Rocky for Father’s Day. I was in the middle of posting the link here, and was interrupted by Damian waking up. He had a runny nose earlier in the day, but we didn’t think much of it. He woke because he was having trouble breathing, sometimes gasping for air. I started to panic & tried to think of what I should do first for my sick little man. Then I saw Rocky come out of our bedroom on a mission. Although he had been sleeping, he immediately went to work. Before I knew it, he had the suction tube, the vaporizer, the baby rub. I got to cuddle & rock Damian while his Daddy took care of making us comfortable.

Within a few moments I was holding a sleeping baby & feeling so thankful for the man I married seven years ago.

This rainy morning Damian is doing just fine. His little puppy eyes are a little droopy but he is still walking around & getting into mischief like his usual self.
I know he’ll never really know all of the things his Daddy does to “make us more comfortable,”
but I truly hope he & Kevin will grow into men just like him.


Here are some photographs that I treasure from the past couple months:

I’ve been trying to cherish the moments I have with my family. I always take pictures of them, but until recently, I haven’t revisited them enough. I started (my third!) Blogger blog & I’m hoping this one sticks! It’s nice to have a little place to celebrate my little family & the sweetness in life. You can check it out at http://sweetthreads.blogspot.com/ ♥







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  • Michelle March - June 21, 2011 - 7:19 am

    This was soooo sweet! 🙂 Such beautiful memories. Rocky seems like an exceptional father to your two treasures. xoxo

  • sarah - June 21, 2011 - 9:00 am

    the bathroom renovation is my favorite!

  • Melanie - June 21, 2011 - 5:48 pm

    Andrea! I love reading the pieces you post! They always make me smile, and remind me of how much I appreciate my husband and how much fun I have with my kids! You’re so inspiring, too! Every time I read your blog or look at your pictures, I just want to create something ! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us!

  • Andrea - June 25, 2011 - 12:16 am

    Thanks Michelle, he is so special 🙂 Sarah, thanks! I am so happy to see it updated & able to use it again! Melanie, THANK YOU! That was so sweet of you to say. I wish I had more time to “do it all” but that makes me feel like the time I spend doing this is worth it! Thanks!

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