You can tell just by speaking with Becki on the phone that she is really sweet. I was excited to meet her & Brandon, who will be getting married next August. I loved hearing their proposal story, so my only regret is that we did not incorporate a fortune cookie into their engagement pictures. Maybe the wedding…?
When I do photo shoots, I start by doing very formal, posed shots. I feel like the sooner we get them out of the way, the more my subjects can relax & we can dive into more natural {& fun} ideas. Another advantage, is that the hair & make up are fresh for that close up. After we went through this part, Brandon & Becki were game for anything. It was great to know that they trusted me & were willing to work with me. They also had some great ideas {see the truck picture at the end}. Thanks you two, looking forward to the beautiful wedding this summer!


Beautiful, Andrea! I love the processing and what a gorgeous couple!
You did a GREAT job!! Pictures are beautiful… thank you!
That last shot is awesome!